November Beauty Favorites

by | Dec 3, 2014 | Throwback | 15 comments

big sexy hair spray & play.  I’ve seen this stuff around for years and I recently received a gift from a very sweet friend and this was part of the package!  I never gave this kind of stuff a second look–but it adds SO much volume to my hair with such a little bit of product!
maybelline colorshow in impeccable greys.  This was my first ever grey polish which I bought last year (I know) and I fell in love instantly.  But then I moved on.  I mean, when you have over…well, never mind.  I’m not sharing exactly how many polishes I have because you would judge me, but it’s a lot.  I rediscovered this in the last few months and I just. can’t. stop.  
maybelline pumped up colossal volume express.  I haven’t totally abandoned my beloved wnw mascara–but this just adds a different kind of flare to my lashes which I’ve been loving lately!  It does okay smudge wise (not as well as the wnw).  This is a non-waterproof formula so I’m pretty impressed in that department considering.  I’ll say this.  The brush is massive and a little hard to work with sometimes.  But once I found a way to make it work, I really loved the results.
taylor swift wonderstruck perfume.  Oh, my gosh.  Have I been living under a rock because holy sweet goodness.  Husband?  Are you listening?  Let’s add this to the Christmas list!!
clearasil ultra acne + marks wash & mask.  I’m still using the clinique–but only once a day now.  I use this baby at night.  And y’all.  I had some serious hyper pigmentation going on after my face had it’s freak out earlier this fall.  I didn’t really think this would do anything but figured “hey, why not give it a try.”  Uh.  It’s working.  My scars are almost completely faded!
jordana twist & shine in cranberry crush.  Such a perfect fall color, comfortable on the lips and crazy cheap!  Totally a fan!
EOS lip balm.  Okay.  I had written these off a few years ago.  In fact, I received a buttload of them for christmas just after I’d pretty much decided I wasn’t in love with the brand…and so they’ve been hanging out in a jar in my office as decor.  But lately I’ve been reaching for them to use under lipsticks if my lips are particularly dry.  They’re the perfect formula to wear under a lipstick because they’re not greasy (you know, causing the lipstick to slide right off).  In fact, they almost make the lipstick adhere better and look better.  Trust me.  Give it a try!
Okay friends.  That’s it for me today!  I hope you all are having a lovely week!
linked with: Mia, Kelli & Shanna

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  1. I need to find a good face mask – I have one I bought from Ulta awhile back and I like it but it sometimes burns my face!

  2. I've heard so many great things about the spray and play… I may just have to give it a try!


  3. I'm using that mascara right now and LOVE it!!

  4. Totally agree on the EOS balms, I use them all day everyday. YES I bought the Wonderstruck rollerball last year and I still love it so much. I think I have a little travel size of that hairspray somewhere too, I need to dig it out. Thanks for linking up with us girl 🙂

  5. Love big sexy hair products! ANd love my Eos balm. I use mine constantly. And maybe I'm still living under a rock b/c I haven't tried T.Swift's perfume yet. I better give it a go!

  6. Gray nail polish is the BEST. My absolute favorite. I've tried EOS balm and wasn't in love with it – I didn't really like the feel of it, I guess? I'm not sure. BUT I did get myself some of that rose Vaseline lip balm and I LOVE it – so thank you for that recommendation too!!

  7. I need to try that big sexy hair stuff asap! My hair is so flat and blah ALL of the time! And that acne wash? It's really working? My face has been awful the last few months and I cant find anything that works. Maybe I need to try this? I mean….what do I have to lose at this point???

  8. I'm using the Mega Plush mascara and I love it. I have been curious about that one though! Maybe I'll try it next time. That EOS lip balm is great under lipstick too. Sometimes I put a little Aquaphor on top of my lipstick which works well too. I hope that you are having a great day so far too lady!!

  9. I love Color Show nail polishes! They are so cheap and they have such great colors! Also love EOS lip balm!

  10. Glad you enjoyed the package. 🙂 I have to try that big sexy product, it was a last minute addition. I meant to ask you about how it went because I have very fine (aka flat) hair. I just had to give away all my shampoos, body washes, and hand soaps because I'm allergic to all of them. :/ Hopefully I won't be allergic to this! Heard a lot of people love the Taylor Swift perfume, I'll have to check that out as well. I'm trying to find a scent perfect for my wedding day. 🙂

  11. I just picked up another EOS balm too! There's something about them that I love- and you're right, they're great for under lipstick because they're hydrating without being too heavy. I might have to try out that face wash, I just ordered the clinique acne systems again!

  12. My skin scars so easily and they always take forever to go away. That sounds like an awesome mask, I'll have to keep my eye out for it in the shops!


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