In Real Time

by | Nov 28, 2014 | beauty, In the kitchen, Loves, Real Life | 12 comments

 Revlon Rain Forest

Am I fired?  I’m blogging in real time.  I just now painted my nails.  I just now took pictures of them. And I’m actually sitting down on this Friday afternoon blogging about it.  Yeah, I’m breaking the rules.

Back in the day I used to blog in real time all the time.  I didn’t even know it was possible to schedule posts.  I used to do these 100 days of blogging challenges all the time.  Man.  I kind of miss that world of blogging.

Anyway.  I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving.  We did.  Twice.  We spent Wednesday at my parents’s house, and then we had our own little thanksgiving here yesterday.

Today, I’m in denial.  I started not to feel awesome last night.  I curled up on the couch with a book last night but almost immediately fell asleep.  I slept awfully last night and today I keep trying to convince myself that I’m not getting sick.  Although I’ll admit I feel a little better after sneaking a shot of dayquil.

I plan to spend the day on the couch with a book.  And a lot of turkey sandwiches.  Confession: I’m really not a fan of turkey.  I love how it smells when it’s cooking though, so thus…we have turkey on Thanksgiving.  I need to go grocery shopping…but I really didn’t think that all the way through.  Who wants to battle the shops on Black Friday?  Not this girl.

Linked with Jennie.

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  1. Eww sorry you're under the weather!! Why does it always seem to happen right around the holidays!? Feel better soon!!

    LOVE that polish color. I feel like Christmas-y greens that actually look good are so hard to come by…that one's perfect!

  2. haha I'm the same way. I miss blogging in real time. I usually draft ahead of time then post whenever it's the right day. It does get a bit bittersweet but preparing them ahead of time makes life so much easier. lol

    But gosh dang if I am not drooling over your nails! So so so pretty!

    Hope you feel better quickly!!

  3. Love that polish! Hope you're feeling better. I'm not feeling 100% today either. Hoping it's not anything major for either of us! xo

  4. I started getting sick on Thursday. Sore throat and generally yucky. It never got to be terrible and I'm feeling a bit better, so I hope your sickness is short-lived too!
    Agree: love the smell, don't really eat it. Scott has a whole turkey to himself….

  5. So happy to hear you had a great Thanksgiving! Twice! Haha! I love warm turkey, but cold turkey sandwiches are my all-time fave. On my Grandma's home-made bread, with cheddar cheese, lettuce, and tomato (only if they're not grainy tomatoes, which are the worst). Mmmmm!!! It was torture seeing everyone's IG posts over the last few days. Our Thanksgiving feels like ages ago and there's still almost a month to go until Christmas turkey. Booooo. Haha!

    Loving these nails, too! It totally fits the same. Is the polish black, or dark green?

    And blogging in real time? You're so brave! I agonize over posts, meaning that the majority never get posted. Haha!

    Hope you can stave off the sick! 🙂

  6. I hope you kick whatever bug is trying to sneak its way into your system!
    We're doing Thanksgiving 2.0 at Pete's parents' house tomorrow… I love the idea of doing it on two separate days and getting to look forward to 2 days rather than cramming everything into a few hours!

  7. That polish is so pretty and festive! Love it!

    I am sorry you are not feeling well. Get some rest this weekend and pretend that you are not sick 🙂 Hope you feel better!

  8. That nail polish is amazing! It reminds me a little bit of Butter's British Green Racing– so pretty for this time of the year! You look so cute with your turkey! So glad you guys had a good Thanksgiving, both days, and I hope you're feeling better!

  9. Love your nail polish and your pictures! 🙂 I'm glad that you guys enjoyed your two Thanksgivings too. Hope that you're having a great day so far too! 🙂

  10. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving despite the probability of getting sick {let's hope you are okay and no cold crawled up on you…I'm sure it was the fact that so much happened lately}. Love the tree btw, and your polish is perfect for this holiday season.


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