Beauty & Fashion Made Easy: Travel Edition

by | Nov 25, 2014 | Throwback | 19 comments

Holiday Travel.
For someone whose #1 priority is comfort, it can be a real pain.

Honestly, the hubs and I stay home for the holidays now.  But for the first few years of our marriage, we did the whole spend-the-entire-holiday-in-a-car thing. 
I imagine many of you are gearing up for a week of holiday travel.  So here are a few tips and tricks that I find save my sanity in that situation.

1) Leggings.  Bonus for fleece-lined leggings. These will become your best friend.  I usually wear leggings and a long sleeved shirt while I’m traveling and hang a cute dress in the back.  When we arrive at our destination, I slip the dress over my travel outfit and boom.  Cute Holiday Outfit without having to spend 7 hours in the car uncomfortable or changing in a gross pit-stop bathroom.
2) Cozy Boots.  I’m the queen of traveling in flip flops then slipping on whatever shoe I need when we arrive at our destination.  But I’m sorry.  It’s freaking freezing.  So in step the Ugg (like) boots.  I like to pull my feet up underneath myself while we cruise the highway, but slipping on my real boots any time I need a potty break (which lets face it, is every 20 miles) is a real pain.  Keep these babies up front with you and slip ’em on whenever you need!  (On this particular  travel day it was relatively mild outside, so I opted for my bass flats).

3) Simple, long wearing makeup.  I do the very basics when traveling, y’all.  And a lot of times we leave at the butt crack of dawn so I don’t even bother until the sun has come up.  We’re talking primer, long wear foundation, bronzer & blush (maybe a quick swipe of a highlighter) and mascara.  As we near our destination, I push a little dark shadow (more forgiving when applying in a moving vehicle) into both my top and bottom lash lines with a liner brush and quickly swipe on some pigmented tinted lip balm (like Burts Bees in Rhubarb).  Classy and comfortable!
4) Flat Iron Curls.  When traveling, I take my shower at night and let my hair air dry while I’m packing (because I know you girls wait til the last minute, too).  Once my hair is dry, I haphazardly throw in some large flat iron curls.  Flat Iron Curls will last longer than curls with a regular iron and it’s easier to obtain that messy but cute look.  And sleeping on them only enhances the look!  That way as you near your destination, quickly flip your hair upside down and va-va-voom!

Bonus Travel Tip: Thankfully, with the world of technology these days, our travel can be made even easier.  Our families live within driving distance, but given that both of our cars are sitting broken down in our driveway, RelayRides would come in handy if we actually had to travel this holiday season.  Given that no one has any extra money floating around (and really? Who wants to spend any extra money renting a car?) RelayRides might be able to help you out!  Their airport rentals are quick, easy and affordable!  Definitely keep them in mind as you plan your next trip!  Find out more information on how it works HERE!

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  1. Your ideas are on point! Love the whole two outfits thing… how sneaky but what a great idea. I usually just show up in my ugly clothes :-/ And this hair. Can you do an entire post on exactly how you do it? Because I need to know stuff like this. I'm always looking for new ways to curl my hair. I've been in a hair rut recently and just keep wearing it straight. Mostly because I don't have time to curl it but if I could do it at night… that could be a game changer!


  2. When we travel long distance in a car, it's usually to my parents or my in-laws and I look like I just rolled out of bed by the time we get there. I've stopped caring. I'm usually wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt and flip flops and I'll just take 10 minutes to change and clean up after we've said our hellos.

    That said, if we traveled directly to somewhere that wasn't my parents' house, these are great tips! I especially love the two outfit idea.

  3. Great tips! I love the way you did the outfits! And your hair and makeup is perfect!

  4. First off, you look GORGEOUS, and your hair! I'm right there with you on leggings, I got some fleece lined ones last year. Heaven <3

  5. Ok, your idea about throwing a dress on over leggings and a top? You are a GENIUS. Thank you!


  6. Such a good idea with the leggings and dress!!! I would have never thought of that. Where do you get your fleece-lined leggings? I have a hard time finding leggings that are actually comfortable in the first place…

  7. I for sure have a specific travel outfit: leggings, Uggs, long tee and this sweater/blanket thing I have from the lingerie section of Nordstrom. Soooo comfy and warm. Love the idea of just swapping the dress. Cute!

  8. This is so clever! I've always just opted for comfort and figured I can change when I get there – but I love the idea of a leggings based outfit that you can throw a dress on over. Super smart and probably more comfortable than my jeans. I am totally doing this this year!

  9. I have never gotten the flat iron curls down…or any curls really. I love the idea of wearing leggings and a shirt then throwing a dress on top of it. And ummm I totally wait to the last minute to pack, how did you know?!

  10. You make it look so easy….I'm a huge fan of "night before" hair. So much easier to deal with in the morning.

  11. Great ideas! I wish my hair would stay curled over night, mine would never look that good. Also, the legging and long sleeve shirt and throwing the dress over the top – so smart!

  12. I've never tried these fleece-lined leggings but they look oh-so-cozy! And your hair & makeup looks great in the b&a pic… great tips!!

  13. Great tips!! Comfort is key! I for sure always need slip-on footwear of some sort because I can't stand keeping shoes on the whole time and laces are a pain. I love that Burt's Bees in Rhubarb. I'll have to look for it next time I'm at the drugstore!

  14. I really need a pair of fleece lined leggings. Any brand recommendations? Your tips are awesome, girlfriend. xo

  15. Great travel tips!! I'm usually traveling every holiday, this thanksgiving my family is leaving me behind to work! But i'll be using all these tips next time for sure!!

  16. The leggings tip is such a great idea!! I need to be comfortable in the car – that is just a must!! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!!

  17. I need to get some fleece lined leggings. My girlfriend was wearing a pair the other day and they looked so cozy… and made her ass look amazing! hahaha

  18. for the life of me, i can't figure out how to use a flat iron to do curls…but i'm a clipless wand master! 😀

  19. Such great ideas! Being able to slip a dress over your car outfit is a genius idea! I usually just end up in sweats for the entire day! I've never tried fleece-lined leggings but I need to find a pair because they sound so warm!


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