I’ll take it…

by | Nov 18, 2014 | Throwback | 17 comments

Monday morning I woke up to a text from my mom.
“And it all comes tumbling down.”
I’m being tested.  The tree is just the most obvious.  But in the last several months, I’ve made it no secret things have been hard.  But the tree falling twice, resulting in me having to travel to Raleigh this coming weekend to re-do the tree for the THIRD time just brought it all into focus.
Life is testing me.
I don’t exactly know the point of it all.  But I’ve been in situations like this before.  Where nothing was going right but nothing in particular was wrong.  Things just have been hard.  But we’re okay. 
I just sure hope whatever this is all for is worth it in the end.  Life has seasons.  I’m no stranger to that  at all.  But I’d be totally cool with things finding the upswing soon.
If I’m being 100% honest, we do the “things are hard” thing pretty well around here.  We’re used to having some kind of struggle most of the time.  And the more things go wrong, the better we are.  I know that doesn’t make any sense.  But J and I just get closer and closer the more the regular stuff in life sucks.
While I was running yesterday, I went through all the stuff that’s been going on lately.  The things that aren’t so great.  And aside from one major one (a sick parent), I actually think we’re pretty lucky for the things that aren’t so great right now.  The small little things: the cars being broken down, money being a little tight, things just not working out–those things are easy.  Those things are inconveniences.  But at the end of the day, my husband and I are fine.  I like him and he likes me.  I’ll take these little things, the things that are easily fixed, any day in exchange for a happy life.  If the price we pay is for things to be a little difficult in order to have a blissfully happy marriage, I’ll take it.
And if you’re in Raleigh?
I’ll be there on Friday.
With booze.
Who wants to help me put up a Christmas tree…
for the third time in two weeks?

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  1. With booze!! Did you drink the other two times you put it up? Because if not… maybe that's been your problem all along? Things like this are always much better with a glass {or three} of wine.

    But on a serious note, I love your outlook. {I feel like I say that a lot. But it's true.} Hard times can either bring us closer together or tear us apart. I love that you and J use this to connect on a deeper level. #marriageisthebest


  2. I would totally help! Wouldn't that be a wonderful time??

    I agree: many of these things are inconveniences and we blow them out of proportion. #perspective

  3. Oh no!!! As they say – third time is a charm!! At least you'll be in Raleigh and hopefully hang out with your bloggie friends!!!

  4. I'd totally help you tackle than dang Christmas Tree. What a stubborn thing!

    I'm sorry life is hard right now. The good news is that it will turn up again. Life was really hard for me for the past 4 months, but it's beginning to really thin out which is so nice.

  5. I would have peed my pants if my tree fell down unexpectedly! I hope when you put it up this time it stays for good, maybe tie it to the ceiling. 🙂

  6. Oh no, not again, that tree just doesn't want to cooperate does it?

    I know exactly what you mean about times being hard. It's the same with us right now, nothing as hard what some are going through right now, just little struggles that can add up to be overwhelming, but we do grow closer through it and I love that!

  7. If I lived closer, I would so come help you with that tree my friend! You know what they say about hard times, it can only go up from here 🙂 Little struggles make us stronger, and we wouldn't be put through it if we couldn't come out of it. Or something like that….

  8. I wish I was in Raleigh, you + me + booze and a whack tree could be fun… I get this, it's so great that you guys can cling to each other in these hard times and even get closer. I was having some of these thoughts myself yesterday! Stay focused and don't let these little tests bring you down. What a great verse!

  9. The tree.. what the heck?!? I have a feeling our tree may end up like that this year, thanks to Brady 😉 Stay strong lady!

  10. I would happily bring booze and help with the tree, lol. Hope things improve for you soon! It sounds like you're due some luck 😉

  11. Oh my gosh Joey. I would have died if my tree feel like that. But 2 times! Holy cow. You better have a lot of booze for that trip. I hope these tests that life is bringing your way are gearing you up for something awesome to happen. 🙂

  12. Damn, that tree fell again?? Blashphemy. Wish I could hop on a plane and go help you out with the tree! Sending love and hugs your way sweetie <3

  13. Your honesty is just so refreshing. I feel you on the things aren't good but they're not bad thing. I have been there before. What time are you going? I have a late night at work but would love to help supply you with booze later. Maybe we can meet at Aviator or something this weekend?? xo


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