Selfie Sunday

by | Nov 9, 2014 | Throwback | 7 comments


They tell us from the time we’re young
to hide the things we don’t like about ourselves
inside ourselves
I know I’m not the only one
who’s spent so long
attempting to be someone else
I’m over it.
-Mary Lambert

Isn’t that the truth, though?  I used to hate the fact that I looked different.  I always felt out of place with my pointy noise, squinty eyes and yellow skin.  I used to get picked on all the time.  People would call me Asian, like that was an insult. 
I used to get bullied about it so much that once I asked my mom if I was from Japan.  I used to lay in bed and worry at night that I’d been adopted.  All of those things: being adopted, being Asian, those are not bad things, but those kids made me really feel like they were.   For the record, I am not Asian.  And I was not adopted.  But it didn’t matter.  In their eyes I was all of those things, and they saw me as less than them. 
But you know what?  There is nothing wrong with looking different.  While I longed to look like everyone else, there aren’t a lot of people out there with my heritage combination.  And that’s kind of cool.  There are a few ways to look at something like that.  Either I look different, or I just look like Joey.

Today’s high quality iPhone selfie is brought to you by tired eyes after a long day of football and work.



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  1. Looking exactly like everyone else would be boring, I've always thought. Maybe that's why I thrive here in Asia where pointing fingers and stares follow me every time i leave my apartment, they make me feel so special. 🙂 I mean, i know it's just it's because I'm the only white woman in my neighborhood but I pretend that it's because I'm awesome.
    In America I blend in and that's not nearly as exciting.

  2. You are absolutely gorgeous! I have fairly "squinty" eyes, too–especially when I'm smiling. People used to make fun of my boobs (I got them at an early age and they grew and grew and grew and grew).

    I also absolutely adore that song you quoted at the beginning. "SOOOOOO-O-O-O WHAT?"

  3. Girl you are so so pretty!! My big forehead was what I was made fun of, it resulted in a very bad set of bangs lol. Oh I don't miss those times!

  4. You are beautiful!

    *slaps self* for forgetting selfie sunday this week!


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