The One Where Joey Was Awake For 22 Hours

by | Oct 14, 2014 | Throwback | 17 comments

**I’m reporting in under a haze of cold medicine.  I cannot be held responsible if this post ends up making no sense whatsoever.  Also?  Someone pass the tissues?

This weekend was the  If you follow me on instagram, you got a little taste of how it was all going (and if you don’t..why don’t you?  All the cool kids are doing it.  Okay, maybe not, but whatever).

12 is a special number in my family, so how freaking random is it that I ended up with 12 for my first race? 

The 5k was good!  I am not a morning runner (or a sunshine runner…yes, I’m a vampire), so I knew both of those things would be adjustments.  My normal pace is somewhere in the 10:30-11 minute range.  We bolted out and about a half mile in I realized I was struggling a bit.  Looked down at my phone…I was running a freaking 9 minute mile.  I knew I couldn’t keep that up for all 3 miles, so I slowed from the pack (I blame the fact that I am considerably shorter than everyone else haha).  Because I started out too quick, I ended up with a side stitch somewhere around 1.5 miles and (ugh) had to walk for a few seconds twice.  All in all it was good though!  I finished in 33 minutes (not my best time ever, but also not bad considering I had to walk twice).

The game was Ah-FREAKING-maz-ING!  The team has been doing SO well this year!  We knew last year would be a growing season, so it’s just been so much fun to watch the guys actually kick some butt!  We won (against Butler, whom we lost to last year) 28-9!!!

Oh, and during halftime…this happened!
This isn’t my photo.  It belongs to someone on the football staff, but I can’t remember who!
The equipment manager proposed to his girlfriend in the middle of a really sweet speech!  
Somehow, I wasn’t dead to the world after our crazy morning.  I ran home and showered (it was hot! on Saturday) and then we were off to Raleigh for our 10 year reunion!!
It was just so awesome to see familiar old faces and catch up on life!  I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about their HS reunions, but in general I just like people.  And everyone had such wonderful stories to tell and it was just so neat to see the adult sized versions of people we were all once friends with!  That lovely group up there ended up closing down the event (and I might have had too much to drink or too little to eat…or both).  The neatest thing about this photo is not only were we all HS buddies, we’d all gone to middle school together, too!! 
We didn’t leave Raleigh until 3AM!  We live an hour away.  And we’d both woken up at 6AM.  I…I think we’re too old for that hah!
Sunday, I spent the first half of the day on the bathroom floor (oh, sweet hangover).  And then I moved to the couch and didn’t move for two days.  I was really hoping I’d wake up this morning (yes, I’m blogging this in real time, am I fired?) feeling more human but no such luck.  It might be a work-from-the-couch day and hope for the best!

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  1. What a weekend – it's no wonder you're sick!! Sounds like it was so much fun and congrats on getting it all in and done – especially the race!! I just love proposals and even better when you can witness them!! Feel better girl!!

  2. Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!

    Congrats on your first race–that's incredible!

    Your HS reunion sounds like a blast! I still don't know how I feel about going to mine in a few years. 😛

    Fell better, soon!

  3. It's so fun that you guys went to HS together so you both got to benefit from the reunion! What a packed day… you more than deserve the rest!

  4. Congrats on your race! And how awesome that you got to spend your reunion with a group of people that you have known for so long! The high school I went to was huge and I was only there 2 and a half years so I didn't care to go to my reunion in the least bit….but it makes me feel nostalgic to see others enjoying theirs!

  5. Glad your race went good and what a sweet proposal 🙂 Look at you, you party animal! Sorry you're sick, hope you get to feeling better asap!

  6. That sounds like so much fun! Weekends are the best, aren't they?
    Also, I'm glad to know your 5k times. I've still gotta get my butt in gear for this 5k I'm supposed to run in a couple of weeks.


  7. Don't feel bad about finishing your 5k in 33 minutes! That's excellent time for your first race!

  8. Sorry that you're feeling cruddy but at least you had a great weekend! Congrats on the 5K and that proposal looks so sweet! And I'm with you on the HS reunion… will definitely be going to mine in 2 years!! xoxo

  9. What a busy but fun weekend!! Congratulations on your race! Hope you feel better soon 🙂

  10. What a fun weekend! Congrats on the run and feel better, please!!!

  11. Sounds like Saturday was a LONG and busy day for you! Especially being sick, amazing job on your 5k! And sounds like a blast at your reunion- so cool to reconnect with old friends!

  12. I have specific people I'm excited about seeing at my reunion, others if they show up fine it not fine too. 🙂

  13. Sounds like such an amazing weekend! Hope you feel better soon!

  14. Looks like a long weekend but a great one! A 5k is on my list of to-dos!
    xo! Southern Style

  15. Congrats on your first race Joey! We could totally run together; I run at a slower pace as well.
    Your HS reunion sounds like it was a blast. I didn't go to my 10 year. Weird situation but none of my friends did so ok by me. I'm looking forward to my 20 year though…..but that's not for many, many years, ha!

  16. Feel better! Sounds like you had a great weekend though, so sometimes it's worth it to be totally worn down after.

    xo Julie
    Cap and Gown Style

  17. Things sounded so great until Sunday morning. Yuck.
    I'm so glad your race went well (and that you FREAKIN DID IT)! Also, that proposal, ahhh so cute!


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