Stuff & Things 10/9

by | Oct 9, 2014 | Throwback | 26 comments

>> It’s Wednesday night, and I’m currently trying to decide between a glass of wine and chugging Nyquil.  I haz the sicks.  And it sucks.

>> I’ve been trying my best to reestablish some sort of schedule this week.  It’s proving to be difficult because I’m desperate to stay up each night so I can catch a glimpse of that phantom husband of mine.  But I work best first thing in the morning.  So it’s important for me to actually, oh, I don’t know…get up!  I’m just one big hot mess right now, huh?

>> This Saturday might be the busiest day of my life to date.  First up, a 5k on campus (my first, which I guess means I can maybe cross it off the 30 before 30 as long as I…you know…run it).  There’s a big game at noon.  And then J and I will jet off to Raleigh for our…wait for it10 year high school reunion.  How.  How is that even possible?

>> I promise that I keep meaning to update you all on my skin.  I filmed a quick little video the other night to show the progress but who knows when that’ll get edited and up.  Take my word for it?  It’s much much better.

>> I blitzed my house the other day.  What is blitz?  Oh. It’s a system I used to implement back in the day.  I set a timer and challenge myself to get as many things crossed of my chores todo list in that amount of time.  It helps to keep me from getting distracted–and it’s a great way to get all the things I don’t want do done quickly!  You should try it sometime!

>> I had a gray hair so wild the other day.  It was sprouting out of my bangs.  I PANICKED.  And cut it off.  Yeah.  Because that sounds like a good idea, huh?

>> I think I need a week redo.

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  1. I laughed at your misadventures this week, I'm sorry! That 10 year reunion is creeping up on me too and I'm not sure how it's possible! Hopefully you feel better before your crazy Saturday- I'm so happy you are running a 5k, you'll feel so great when it's done!

  2. Good luck on your 5k and your reunion too! Your blog is awesome! X

  3. I blitz clean all the time. It's the only way dishes will get unloaded from the dishwasher!

    Sorry you're sick. That's the worst. I recommend Theraflu.

    I think my reunion was in August. Obviously I wasn't there for it. However, good luck on your busy day. I have a school event on Friday night and I'm dreading it because I hate having plans, let alone in the evening.

  4. Oh girl. Sorry you're sick.
    This weekend sounds jam-packed, but fun! You will do wonderful at your 5K!

  5. I hope you feel better before your big day on Saturday!! My 10 year high school reunion is next year and I'm with you – how is that possible!! Have a great Thursday!

  6. I'm sorry that you are not feeling well and I hope that you feel better by Saturday. I haven't been to any of my high school reunions but I did go with Chris to his a few years ago. Sorry about the gray hair too. :-/ If I found one I would cut it off too haha. Looking forward to your video too!! Enjoy your day! 🙂

  7. That's so fun – I need to "blitz" my house! I know most people hate it – but for me NyQuil is one of the highlights of being sick. I like how it tastes and it usually makes my throat feel sooo much better!

  8. Um, I need to try this Blitz thing you speak of…And girl, I color my hair because I have so many grays. I'm 28. What the heck.

  9. Oooooh, I love the idea of a house blitz! I'm going to try that some time. Kick butt on your 5K!


  10. Sorry you're sick! I'm with Kristin – Theraflu. Get the kind you drink hot, like tea – it works the fastest even though it's not the best tasting.

    I need to try that blitz thing!

    I feel old. My 10 year reunion was back in 2011, haha. I did not go.

  11. Aww, feel better soon! I have a really sore throat today 🙁 hoping that it doesn't turn into anything major 🙁 have fun at your highschool reunion!!! Crazy how time flies. Mine is in two years, though I'm not sure I'll go…

  12. I like the sound of this blitz system, I try to use the reward system but usually I cheat. 🙂

  13. Oooh, I need to try this blitzing! Make anything a game and I'm in, haha. Hope you're feeling better soon!! Especially for your crazy Saturday!

  14. Blitzing! How very football wife of you! I still haven't found any gray hairs yet, but I'm blonde, so they are probably harder to spot. I imagine when I do, I'll be yanking them all out with tweezers. Steve has a ton of gray hair, and I think it's so sexy against his jet black curls. he hates it.

  15. I know how you feel on the sick front – my best friend when I'm sick? Affrin. Get some! Also, I think I need to try this house blitz thing. I always laze about and do things a little at a time so if I did a blitz instead I'd get 100x more things done! Feel better girl!

  16. So far I've only had one gray hair, and thankfully my bestie pulled it out for me! I'm going to see her this weekend, and I need to ask her to check me for more grays!

  17. Ahhhh!!! Your first 5K?!!? I'm so excited for you! You're going to do amazingly because you've been training so hard! So proud of you, friend. SO PROUD!

  18. Girl! I found my first gray hair at 19. I have to get my hair colored so often to cover those bad boys up. I love the idea of a house blitz! Love it! xo


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