Who I am…

by | Sep 24, 2014 | Throwback | 24 comments

Some confessions about who I am…
1. I am loyal.  So damn loyal that it’s almost a flaw.  I can’t help but try to hold up my end of the deal every time.  Where I see this being more of a flaw than anything else is in friendships that are transitioning/changing.  And while I could focus on how many crappy situations this loyalty has gotten me in–I just can’t.  I like that I’m loyal.  I like that people can rely on me.  And sometimes I  get hurt in the process–but I like this part of who I am.  And I really don’t want it to change just because some people take advantage.
2. I’m positive and giddy to a point of annoyance.  I know this.  I like being happy and seeing the silver lining in all situations.  I’d much rather be the person you want to beat with a baseball bat just to get to shut up than be the person you all snark about behind my back because I’m so negative.  Maybe my positivity is annoying.  But maybe, just maybe, for some people it’s contagious.  I’d rather spread that around.  Call me annoying.  I don’t care.
3. I’m not the smartest person in the room.  And I’m never going to be.  I joked once with one of my bffs that I never claimed to be smart (she was talking about the 13 original colonies, and I’ll admit I have no idea what they are–so I just owned it and said I never claimed to be smart).  I might not be the brightest, but I will always try.  I will always try to connect with whatever you are saying.  I will always try to learn.
4. I think life is what you make it.  I really believe in this.  I have people in my life that are constantly seeing all the things that are wrong and horrible and stressful.  And life is horrible and stressful sometimes. It just is.  There are always going to be things that are up in the air and scary.  So if you keep waiting for those things to settle down before you let yourself be happy–you’ll never be happy.  Don’t make your happiness contingent on other people or certain events/milestones in your life.  Find something that makes you happy right now and let that be enough.  
5. I’m okay with who I am.  That seems like a simple statement, but it was hard for me to admit.  I like that I’m okay being the butt of a joke if it makes someone else laugh–I can laugh at myself.  I like that I see things how I want to see them instead of how everyone thinks I should see them.  I like that I’m giddy and annoying.  I’d rather be annoying than just down right drab.  I am child like not childish.  The facts that I like random little jigs and will never say no to candy have nothing to do with my maturity level.  I’m doing this grown up adult thing just like you are–I’m just having fun with it in the meantime.
This is who I am.  I am loyal and giddy and child like.  I am a little dense sometimes and will always see the silver lining.  I’d like it if we could be friends.  
**these are very old pictures, but very true representations of who I am!  Always dancing alone and overwhelmed with giddiness when someone presents me with cake.**

linked with: Humpday confesssions

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  1. i love this! it's so honest; something that you don't see too often in the blogosphere.

    i'm not the smartest person in the world either and i'm ok with that. yesterday, my 15yr old cousin was at my house doing her math homework so i decided to make myself the butt of a joke and said "tell me – what exactly are you working on right now" and she read out her math problem…. some kind of quadratic equation that had 4x and 5xy and some shit like that.
    then i called my husband over and asked him to look at that math problem and see if he could solve it. of course he makes me look like a fool and says "oh, you have to isolate x from y and {insert some other shit that i knew nothing about here}" and all he got from me was a deer in headlights look. then i responded with "ok, so at least we know you'll be helping kayla with her grade 10 math homework!" hahahahaahah!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. I love who you are and I love your old pictures!

    It's not easy to be okay with who you are and I'm always so impressed with people who are, go you!

  3. I am so loyal too! Brian says he knows I'm always on his side, no matter what. He can even mention casually that some guy cut him off in traffic or brushed into him at work and I'm all over it asking who did it and why and what he's going to do about it, haha

  4. I love your positive, giddy self! I'm the same way! I know we would just be the best of pals in person! I'm with you on #4 too!

  5. I love this! I love the last picture, especially! You just look so happy! I completely agree with you about #4. I feel like some people just make their lives worse because they complain ALL THE TIME!

  6. Fun post & pic! Happy Wednesday!

  7. Thank you for this! Yes. Life is what we make it. It's so easy to get bogged down and stressed about life. There's no need for that. I'm reminding myself that very thing this morning. Thanks Joey!

  8. I love this post so much! So much wisdom and good advice wrapped up in each of these things!

  9. Such a great and open post! You are a person other should inspire to be – happy and open and full of life! I wish I was more positive and optimistic!

  10. Love this blog post Joey. I love that you love who you are. That is the way it should be! I 100% relate to the positive thing, I'm the same way. I would much rather complain about me being too positive that negative, so I don't care either 😉

  11. Hahaha, my best friend has described me as childlike, not childish. Which is totally true. I get way too excited over the little things and am always extreme in my feelings about anything. I love it or I hate it. 😉

  12. My husband finds my positivity annoying sometimes too and all I can do is just giggle at him. And there's nothing wrong with being a child at heart! I surely embrace it.

  13. What a great post! I think it's amazing that you are so positive. 🙂

  14. I love this and felt like I wrote some of this! My husband always tells me I am loyal to a flaw, and I know what you mean about being child like but still being a mature adult. That is basically my life. I drive people crazy sometimes always trying to point out one good thing in any shitty situation, I mean..why be angry about everything ya know?

    Great post!

  15. What a great post – you sound like a very positive and fun person 😀

  16. This post makes me love yah even more girl! I am the same way I always try to stay positive and sometimes I swear I must not have been paying attention but some things clearly go right over my head! I get excited for cake too! xoxoxo

  17. LOVE #5!!!!!!!!! That's one thing I've loved about getting older… being more and more comfortable in your skin is a great feeling!

  18. I think we're all smart in the some way, and I never claim to be the smartest person around just because there's a lot I don't want to try to understand (usually related to math and finances). It's boring. Although, someone told me this year that the best thing about being a teacher is that you get to be the smartest person in the room. Which is true.
    Life HAS to be what you make it. Otherwise, if we're just waiting/waiting/waiting (which I've tried), we're always going to be disappointed.

  19. Great post lady! Always stay true to yourself. I'm also a firm believer in being positive every day. Life is too short to be negative. I hope that you are having a great day so far too! 🙂

  20. We've discussed some of this and good for you for being you! I think it's hard to be okay with just being and I'm glad you'e found comfort in who you are. It isn't as easy as it should be!

  21. I simply love these confessions. I too find it much better to be positive and giddy. There's a reason they call it Debbie DOWNER! Aint no one want to be around that!

  22. Yup, I'm creepin' your old posts- I'm also pinning so many of your quote pictures. It's getting out of hand. None of that is related to my comment!

    We have so much in common! I love that I was able to read this and see the positive in my traits from your perspective (especially #3), I've been feeling a wee bit inadequate lately and the reminder that it's ok to be me was so needed today! I also agree 100% with the child-like vs. childish. I definitely have a child-like way about me and especially lately with all the uncertainty I've been feeling a bit like that's not a positive quality. But, it's way more fun to be excitable and easy to laugh than focused on just being smart and complain-y all the time.
    You are awesome 🙂 Reading all of your blog posts has only confirmed what I already knew!


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