Stuff & Things 9/18

by | Sep 18, 2014 | Throwback | 16 comments

>> Earlier this week, one of my favorite instagram friends sent me a fun package!  In it was the sweetest note telling me that she found a cousin (which, by the way, I just love how she phrased that) to Bikini So Teeny and thought of me!  It’s not exact, but it is daaaaaaaaang close!  Hence: cousin!  Oh, man.  That just cracks me up.  The formula is a dream and I’m totally in love with the color!  Now, go make sure you’re following @thehousewifesnails on instagram!  She is super duper talented!

Sinful Shine: Alfresco
(It’s showing up a little bluer in that lighting.  I promise it’s a similar light blue/periwinkle shade)

>> I got a new iPhone!  Don’t confuse that with the new iPhone.  I got a 5s.  But.  BUT!  This is the first iPhone I’ve ever ever had that wasn’t a hand me down!  It’s so fast, y’all! haha!  Also, it’s gold.  And it’s pretty.  And that’s pretty much all I have to say about that.

>> I’m off my running game and I hate it.  I was doing 3 miles so well guys.  SO WELL!  I only ran 3 once a week, and 2 or 2.5 the other couple workouts a week.  But I guess I got comfortable with the 2 mile distance and so suddenly now my body thinks it’s in pace training mode?  I hit two miles and feel like I’m going to die.  And then when I check my runtastic app, I’m like oh, that’s why!  I keep increasing my speed, which don’t get me wrong is awesome, but I need to be getting comfortable with running 3 miles.  Not 2! ha!

>> The husband has been on a by week schedule this week, and I’m already sort of dreading how much I’m going to miss him when things go back to normal next week.  I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed meal planning (therefore not doing that 6pm tango of “I’m starving but have no idea what to eat/have nothing defrosted).  I think I need to keep the habit of meal planning in place even when it’s just me.  My grocery shopping is much more efficient and I’m never left with just settling for cereal.

>> I finished reading Laura Lippman’s After I’m Gone this week.  I’ll give it 3.5 stars.  It was good.  I just had a hard time keeping up with the ever changing timeline, and I sort of feel like there was a good bit of unnecessary storyline that took away from the really interesting storyline.  Overall, I’d still recommend it though!  Without giving too much away, it follows the story of a man who ditched town leaving behind three daughters, a wife and a girlfriend.

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  1. That colour is gorgeous, so nice of her to think of you!! You should definitely try and keep meal planning, maybe you could make bigger batches and freeze some to save for the next time you are hungry? Or for J to eat when he gets home (if he does that?!?!

  2. Yay for the iPhone! I have the 5c and wish I would have waited for the 5s. Running game… I need some pointers. I'm so NOT a runner but we're doing a 5k in about 6 weeks so I need to get in gear.

    -Claire @

  3. What a sweet little package, love that. And congrats on your new phone, ahhh gold 🙂

  4. That color, so pretty!!!! I really really want the new iPhone when it comes out!!! I went to upgrade to iOS 8 yesterday and I dont have enough room on my phone. WTF. UGH! So now I am lusting over the gold iPhone 6 and with a storage upgrade..not the base one.

  5. New iPhones are the best. Like a new purse. Nice and pretty.

    Scott's away too and my meal planning is…lacking.

  6. Yay for new phones! It's nice to have one that's fast.
    That was so sweet of your IG friend to send you that! Gorgeous color.
    You'll get your running game back. It'll just take some time. I've been off mine, too.

  7. My husband is on night shifts going in around 3 or 4pm so its just the kids and I. SO often do we just eat whatever because even with kids I hate cooking big meals. I finally got back into meal planning this week and am feeling so much better about it!

  8. I upgraded from the 4 to the 5s not too long ago and for a few weeks I don't think it ever left my hand! haha I just was amazed at how fast it is. Now I'm debating the new software update but I might give it a few weeks in case there are kinks they need to work out.

    xo Julie

  9. Love that color! And yay for new phones! We are so overdue. Next month we'll finally be up for contract renewal!!
    And yay for having your hubby home for a bit. I hope you are soaking up this time with him before it gets hectic again.

  10. Hey, I have a gold 5s too! I had to get a matching gold case for it because I am just obsessed with gold. 😀

  11. Ok, well I wish I could even run a mile with my stupid knee. Wow…you can run that much I'm a little jealous. Meal planning is seriously one of the best things, I'm not doing it so much anymore but I was a few months ago when I went on my hardcore diet (down 20 lbs) and now I'm being a little lazy on the diet only gained two extra pounds haha.

    I'm telling you one day I will travel your way and we will have a wine (and cheese because I love cheese and we can be fancy) night when your hubs is working 🙂

  12. I'm the worst at feeding myself, cheese can crackers and be a meal if it's just me.

  13. I'm still rocking a 4s! I'm hoping for the 6 for Christmas… I'm too cheap to buy it for myself, hahaha!

  14. Awwwww have fun is that??? I need to start hitting up some new instagram friends! Yeah for a new phone!!! I have my fingers crossed for a new arrival soon!

  15. Congrats on your new iPhone! I'm due for an upgrade and can't decide if I want to go back. I currently have a samsu galaxy after having iPhones for 5+ years. Enjoy!


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