So now what? The Book: Part 3!

by | Sep 17, 2014 | Writing | 10 comments

 Catch up here & here.

I didn’t know where to start.  I’m a little embarrassed to admit that to you since, you know, I graduated with a degree in Creative Writing.  But here’s the thing.  I don’t think there’s any right way to start the process.  I think you have to figure out what works best for you.

Before I did anything, I asked for help.  I operate fairly well under self inflicted deadline, but this was too important to me.  I didn’t want to let myself down but that was a possibility.  But I knew myself well enough to know that I wouldn’t let someone else down.

So I asked for an accountability partner.  Zoe, my childhood best friend turned school friend (no, that had no impact on the story line, I promise), volunteered on Facebook.

I made a soft schedule and emailed it to her.  She was to expect a new chapter from me by 11:59pm on Sunday evenings.

That was the scariest part for me.
Putting that deadline on myself.
Because I knew there was no backing out
without embarrassing myself.
Without failing.
Let me make this clear.  I was working 40+ hours a week and planning a wedding.

A chapter a week.  Seemed fair enough to me.  The way my major operated was we were pretty much responsible for 10+ page short stories weekly on top of our other classes.  I did my best to treat it like that.

The number one question I get in regard to the book is: how did you come up with the story.

Confession: I didn’t.
Not right away, at least.
Hold on.  I’m getting ahead of myself.  How about I tell you how I started, and then fill you in on the rest as I get to it.  Sound good?  Okay, let’s get into it.
First I created Willow Point.  I got a general idea of what the town looked like.  I named the town (by hosting a poll on facebook!  I had several contenders which unfortunately I can’t remember anymore, but Willow Point won)!  I drew a map.  I got a general sense of where my characters, who I hadn’t created yet, would live.  As I did this, little ideas started to come to me.  Restaurants.  Misty Lake park.  And that’s when I decided my two main characters would live across the street from each other.
Then I made my cast.  This took a while.  A good while.  I knew I wanted a nice girl, who was going to be my main character.  I knew that I wanted her best friend to be totally different from her.  And I knew I wanted a mean girl.  The rest of the cast just kind of came to me as I was developing Annie, Laurie and Olivia.  I had a whole character tree, it was embarrassing honestly.  I tried to get to know them as best I could.  There are several characters who either never made it in, or didn’t make the final edits.  Yes, I deleted entire people.  The editing process is cut throat y’all!
It was as I developed the characters that the story started to come to me little by little.  This will sound crazy, but it was always their story–so it only made sense that they would help me figure it out.  Once I got a pretty good sense of who my characters were…
I started writing.  I’d sit down with a vague idea–like the first chapter I knew there was going to be a bon fire.  That was it.  And with each chapter, I’d take where I left off and propel forward in a general direction.  The story would happen as I wrote.  I had no specific ideas.  I had no idea what would happen.  I had no idea how it would end.
So that’s how I got started.  But we are still leaps and bounds from where it all ended up.  Stay tuned!


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  1. How interesting! I love hearing about your process!

  2. OMG this is so interesting! Thanks for sharing, I always wondered how people write books, I don't think I could ever do it!

  3. I love hearing about your writing process! It's fascinating. I especially like the idea of having an accountability partner- I could use that in my life, even though I'm not writing a book.

    xo Julie

  4. I find this entire writing process so interesting! I would have no clue how to start a book, but I know as I read books I get totally entangled in the characters and I feel like I am there with them…so I think if i were in your position writing….the characters would come to life and help me write too!

  5. This is awesome! I love knowing the little backstage secrets of how stuff is made! It's so interesting to me that you didn't have the ideas until you were already started! Also, writing a book and planning a wedding??!?!!? You're so brave!

  6. It's so great to get inside of the mind of a writer. It feels like we're being let in on some big secret. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Anytime I've tried to write, I've started with the setting and researched it and after I get that nailed down, I've totally lost interest. It's never quite worked out lol. Looking forward to reading more!

  8. Great tips! I think doing that schedule would be great to actually challenge yourself and get it accomplished.Thanks for sharing!

    XO Chloe
    A Latte Lipstick

  9. This is so cool!! And so impressive that you managed to start a book while working 40+ hours AND planning a wedding 🙂


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