Some Heavy Stuff & Some Silly Things 9/4

by | Sep 4, 2014 | Throwback | 15 comments

She’s imperfect but she tries.
She is good but she lies.
She is hard on herself.
She is broken but won’t ask for help.
She is messy but she’s kind
She is lonely most of the time.
sara bareilles: she used to be mine
++ My head is a messy place right now.  We’ve reached the point in the season when I’m spending entirely too much time by myself, and it’s just hard, y’all.  I’m so thankful that he and I are able to lead this life where we both are living our dreams.  But sometimes you just need people, you know?  I’ve been talking to the dog a little too much.
++ It’s times like now, when my mind gets foggy and too full and I start over thinking everything, that I’m really thankful I started running.  Sometimes the right music and your feet against the pavement can really fix everything. 
++ I deactivated facebook again.  I was bullied talked into reactivating for the book launch.  And I get it, it can be a useful tool.  But oh, my gosh it’s just not for me.  Life seems a lot more complicated on that website, am I right?  
++ I’m proud to say that the giant cookie wasn’t totally consumed in one evening.  That’s willpower, y’all.  I was settling into bed last night when I heard the rustle of the aluminum foil.  The husband is not immune.
++ I’ve been dealing with some insecurities lately.  I’m not exactly sure where they came from, but I’m willing to bet they have something to do with how often we move and how many times I’ve had to start fresh.  I also think they might stem a little from the fact that I have to do so many things by myself without the buffer of my husband.  I’m hesitant to admit that, that I have insecurities.  But don’t we all?  I’m not sure there’s any real point here, but I just felt like putting it out there.  Maybe some of you are dealing with the same things?  I was so much more confident in who I was, what I wanted and what I liked when I was younger.  I think I might have gotten some things backwards here, haha.  This song says it all a little better than I can.  “When you’re all alone, by yourself, do you like you?”
++ To end things on a lighter note, I’m in the middle of trying out the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel polish.  You all know how I feel about the Revlon system.  I’m excited to see how this stuff wears and how many days I can get out of it!
linked with: Stuff & Things

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  1. Looooooove the Sara Bareilles. I'm sorry things are a little tough right now, and i can see how all the alone time would definitely start to wear you down after awhile. Just try to remember that it's just temporary, and before you know it, you'll have your hubs back at home.
    Everyone has insecurities, and it makes you so very brave to just admit it and put it out there.

  2. Life seems kind of boring when you boil it down to Facebook posts. I don't use it to keep in touch but to stay current on the information for wherever I happen to be living…right now, it's Ft. Carson stuff.

    And good for you on the cookie front: we only ever make that when we have dinner guests…last year, Scott and his friend ate the whole thing in one night.

  3. Facebook is the worst. I mostly keep it bc I have to keep a page for work but it's mostly annoying. Given the chance, I might delete – we'll see. I feel you on the insecurity front. I try not to give an eff and then something happens to make me care again. It's hard. You're not alone!

  4. Facebook is pretty much terrible. I don't really post on Facebook anymore. I still have it so I can get updates on family and friends, but it's not something I use like I used to and I'm glad.
    We absolutely all have insecurities. I'm sorry you're going through this, but know you're not alone. This is a season, and it will pass. 🙂

  5. I haven't listened to Sara Barielles in so long and this makes me want to again! I know what you mean about having too much alone time and it letting all your insecurities swirl around in your mind. Always know you can blog, or email me anytime!!

  6. Cant wait to hear your thoughts on the gel polish – I've tried it too…but I'll wait to see what you think!!

  7. Facebook is highly annoying. I rarely got on it anymore, too much drama and stupid people!!!

    I have been listening to the Colbie song just about every day! (Several times a day.) I understand how you feel about not being sure of where you are going and being confused and insecure. It's not a fun place. You are not alone!

  8. Sorry you're having a rough time right now.

    My two cents on FB – I never get why people get upset over facebook. Don't give it so much power, people! It only affects you how you let it affect you. Otherwise it's just a place to share pics and surface life updates.

  9. I've wanted to deactivate my FB a lot recently, but don't simply due to the Pray for Mayberry one, I have to help out with it. I've tried to stay off of my personal one though for sure! And you are definitely not alone girl, we ALL have those pesky insecurities!

  10. Facebook makes me question who some people really are, I keep it so my far away friends and family can keep up with Little K but that's it mostly.

    Things will look up, we all go through periods of sadness and insecurity!

  11. Uggghhhh I hate Facebook girl. Well if it makes you feel any better I had some drinks with my girlfriend last night…..and apparently I eat an entire costco cupcake (in bed) and then slept through my alarm this morning and found cupcake crumbs in my hair in the shower……..yup that happened. Sending you lots of love!!!! xoxoxoxo

  12. Found you through Kristin's link up!!

    I'm with you on the "I Hate Facebook" train. If I weren't the admin for a business page (not even my own) I would deactivate it in a heartbeat. As it stands, I've hidden 95% of my "friends" and I only really get updates on immediate family members. It's helped cut down on the annoyance a little bit, but…I'll be happy when it's GONE-gone.

    Did someone say "giant cookie"?? 😉

    I'm excited to read more around these parts!!

  13. Facebook has gotten out of control!! I hope things start looking up soon, you deserve it!

  14. Facebook is a real pain in the ass. I used to love it. Now… I go on a couple of times a day only, if that – and some days I forget to go on entirely!

  15. I totally want to do a post like this… but can't. For reasons we've discussed. Also, I hate Facebook. I'm really finding myself missing simplier times. I feel so old saying that, but I'm over all of this instant gratification. Sometimes I want to deactivate it all. xo


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