Babies and Puppies and Football…Oh, My!

by | Aug 25, 2014 | Throwback | 13 comments

Revlon: Chic
**I also got a little too much enjoyment out of the fact that this color matched my fitbit.  I’m easily amused.
**Do you have a fitbit?  Add me!
What a weekend, you guys!  The weekend around here doesn’t usually mean much (at least not until games start–which at least forces me to be aware that it’s Saturday, ha).  But this one was an exception!
Wednesday evening, I was gearing up to head to wing & trivia night with the hubs (I know, it’s like I actually had a husband last week) when my phone rang.  The bestie was on the other line, cool as a cucumber.  “I think my water just broke.”  She was all relaxed, just waiting for her hubs to get home and take her to the hospital.  I, on the other hand, was jumping out of my skin!  My sweet niece was on her way!
That night I had the craziest dreams in the little sleep I got between texts.  It was such an experience to be a part of everything even so far away.  Her husband, thank goodness, was able to get some time off (which we weren’t sure was actually going to happen), so I’ll be heading out that way later this week when he heads back to work.  I…yeah.  I can’t freaking wait!
J worked late on Friday, but I had him all day on Saturday!  Since he so rarely gets a full day off, it was dubbed husband day and he chose to park in on the couch for the day.  I ran but also ate bojangles, chickfil and pizza.  Whatever.  At least I ran. Ha!
Sunday, I had plans to meet one of the wives (football) at the dog park with her new little pup!  Our Baileys got along so well and had a blast socializing with all the dogs at the park.  We ended up staying for two hours!  To say the Baileys were worn out is such an understatement!  One of the other wives lives only a few miles from the dog park, so we loaded up and headed over there for the afternoon.  It was a nice way to spend our last Sunday before the season kicks off on of Thursday!
Holy crap.  
The season kicks off on Thursday.
Where has the year gone?

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  1. LOVE that color nail polish! Your nails always look so amazing!

    Football season! Yay! (Do you love football season, or do you loath it?)

    Yay for new babies and new puppy friends!

    Have a great week, girl!

  2. Ohhh that nail color is fun! I think I am getting something similar in my Julep bpx for September 🙂

    Sounds like you had a good weekend! I am sure you are stoked about heading out to see your friend and the baby!

  3. Woo hoo for fall nails!! I have a Revlon shade very similar 🙂

  4. Oooooooh that nail color is perfecto for fall! I love it!! Glad you had some time to be with the hubs (and wings of course!) and hang with the football wives. I still think you need a reality show

  5. Hi there, I just found your blog! Love your nails, you did an amazing job! I suck at painting my own nails! 🙂

  6. Love that nail color! It's perfect for fall. I'm a big fan of dog parks and doggie dates too! I take Gunner every weekend (oops not this one) to a big dog park on the other side of town. It gets him socialized and warn out so I can work around the house the rest of the day while he sleeps it off!

  7. Yayyy for babies and husbands all to yourself for a whole day! What a great weekend you had.

  8. Very cute nail polish! Again…I love your nails!! Yay for your friend having her baby! That's so exciting!!

  9. Aww so exciting the baby is here! I'm glad you'll be able to see her and spend some time with them! I don't have a fitbit, but lately I've really been wanting to get one! And I love that polish color!

  10. Yay Baby Sophie! So happy for Abby, and for you Aunt Jo! I know you can't wait to squeeze that little one! Be safe going down, and give Abby my congratulations, please! <3

  11. Ohhhhhh tell me about your fitbit girl do you love it??? It's totally on my list but I just didn't know if I would use it that much?


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