Cute Cute Cute Cuticles!

by | Aug 22, 2014 | beauty, Loves | 18 comments

(of course because I’m sharing about cuticle care, in the outdoor pics my cuticles look haggard.  whatever)
China Glaze: Float On
I’ve never quite jumped on the Flip Flop Fantasy bandwagon.  Mostly because every time I’ve gone to  Sally’s, it looks much more orange than pink.  So I alway skip it.
When I found Float On in the clearance rack during their additional 50% off clearance items, I snatched it up pretty quick.
It’s a gorgeous neon pink!  It does dry matte-ish like most neons, but a coat of Seche Vite took care of that!
Now, because my most asked question of all time is how I take care of my cuticles, I’ll share my favorite products & methods!

Easy Cuticle Care

1) In my opinion, it doesn’t really matter how well you take care of your cuticles if you don’t keep them moisturized.  That’s the number one key to keeping them nice.  I slather on the Burt’s Bee’s Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream at least once a day.  
2) In addition to the cuticle cream, I also unintentionally moisturize with coconut oil multiple times a day.  I use CO as my facial moisturizer, so at least twice a day I’m rubbing the excess into my hands.  In turn, it moisturizes my cuticles.
3. Every other manicure (confession: I paint my nails about every 2 days), I “clean up” my cuticles.  That involves this guy: Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover.  I squirt this around my cuticles one hand at a time.  I let it sit about a minute.
4. Then I take an orange stick (did you know that’s what those little wooden sticks are officially called?  Well, now you do) and push back my cuticles.  I’m sure to “scrape” around the nail removing the gel (and the dead skin).  I keep a paper towel near by to clean off the stick in between each nail.
5. Occasionally (about twice a month), I have to trim my cuticles.  I wouldn’t recommend this unless you have a pretty steady hand and a good eye.  This is a pretty unnecessary step if you’re not someone who takes photos of your nails weekly.  It’s easy to mess up and cut yourself which causes bleeding.  Lots and lots of bleeding.  Maybe just treat yourself to a professional manicure once a month–they’ll do this for you.  
And that’s pretty much it, y’all.  I will say this, before I started with this routine my cuticles were disgusting.  They were always ragged, dry and painful.  It doesn’t take much–but you need to be consistent!  Happy Friday!
linked with: TNF, FF

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  1. LOVE that color. My cuticles look as if they've been through war. I hate to admit it, but I've been splurging every 4 weeks and getting a gel manicure. It lasts, and they look so lovely!

    LOL, I can admit this on here bc she will never see it… Anyway, a very good friend of mine is always trying to get all Pinterest-y with her nails and doing fun designs and she always pins/IG's the pics. Her cuticles always look like termites got to them, and it cracks me up!

  2. I've had that color on my toes before! I love it.

  3. Oh man. I need to get back on the cuticle care wagon. Mine are horrid.
    YOURS are awesome! You go girl. Love that nail color, too!

  4. Your nails look perfect and I love that color. I agree, when I was at Sally's and looked at Flip Flop Fantasy, I skipped it too for the same reason. I'm too pale for it haha. I LOVE that cuticle remover, just used it this morning before work on my hands and toes 🙂 Happy Friday!

  5. Your nails look like you got them done at a salon!! I'm going to be following your tips!

  6. Love that color and your nails look awesome! I can't believe you do them yourself. I definitely need to use the moisturizing tips for my cuticles. They are always a mess. Have a great weekend!

  7. I swear by the sally hansen cuticle remover. I do not cut my cuticles on my own, but I try to get a manicure once a month or once every two months to get that done.

  8. Ohhhhhhh I love that color!!!! I have the Burts Bees stuff, but I don't really do much else with mine. Right now I have been biting around my nails. Horrible disgusting habit of mine that I am trying to break! Maybe I should try some of that cuticle removed stuff. Does it hurt? Such a baby!

  9. my cuticles are sooooo scary right now! I need to pick up that Sally Hansen jazz. Love the color girl such a pretty girlie pink!

  10. Your cuticles seriously are amazing!! I really need to take notes from this! Impressive!

  11. LOVE this color! My cuticles are FUBAR right now. I've been slacking on them and then picking. So gross. I haven't even been painting my nails b/c I don't want to draw attention to them, haha!

  12. I have a screenshot on my phone of your nails and that Burt's bees stuff so I can remember what it is. I have the worse cuticles…and in the winter the hurt so bad.

  13. Great nail polish! And I definitely have to step up m cuticle game. They're disgusting, so I'm heading to Target to get tha cuticle cream right now.

  14. That colour…perfection! I'm pretty neglectful when it comes to my cuticles. I moisturize my hands a lot, so my cuticles benefit from that, but that's pretty much all they get in this life. I should really be nicer to them.

  15. YESSSSSSS! This pink is gorgeous! And the fact you got it on clearance makes it even better! BETTER I SAY! *cackles*

    Love your cuticle care tips! I pretty much only use Julep's Cuticle Oil, mostly because it smells so nice (ha) because I've been blessed with pretty no-maintenance-required cuticles. Don't hate me. Haha!

  16. This is seriously the perfect bubble gum pink! My cuticles are always such a mess, I need to look into some (or probably all) of these products!

  17. I loooooove this nail polish color!! So pretty. And great tips – I need to get ahold of that Burt's Bees cream because everyone raves about it (even CutePolish on Youtube uses it!)


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