Stuff & Things 8/21

by | Aug 21, 2014 | Throwback | 18 comments

As I sit down to write this, my heart is so full and I am totally on cloud nine.  Life, you guys?  It’s pretty cool.

So let’s get into some stuff & things, shall we?

++Tuesday was the date-iversary for that husband of mine and me.  Since it’s football season, I figured I’d settle for a quick kiss and a see yah later.  He makes up for it other days of the year, special or not. So when he popped in around 6:30, I asked what he was doing home.  “Changing for dinner,” he said casually.  I didn’t think anything of it.  Living on campus allows him to pop in and shower at home occasionally.  “Where do you want to go,” he asked.  Homie surprised me with a quick dinner out!

After dinner, we stopped for some ice cream.  He was trying to decide if we should go in or go through the drive thru.  “Drive thru,” I said.  “You sure you can handle an ice cream cone in the car?” He asked warily.  “Yeah!” I said, emphatically.  I didn’t get on lick in before it went everywhere.  I am a liability! Haha!

++ As I’ve started brainstorming for the next book, I found myself in the same dilemma as always.  It’s not something I can just set a time and “do.”  I’m generally just thinking about it constantly and have to jot down notes as they hit me.  Before I know it, I have pages and pages of random little tid bits, and soon–they’re lost in the jumble.  To me, that’s the biggest frustration.  How do I organize all that madness?  Enter: Evernote!  I’ll elaborate more another time, but thanks to Ashley & this post, I can say that one of my biggest issues has been resolved!

++ I went to bed with damp hair on Tuesday night.  I never, ever do that but gosh, I was just so exhausted.  The next morning, I wasn’t feeling very motivated in the hair department so I just worked with my natural texture.  Thanks to the layers, it works out pretty nicely!

++ Sort of related, the humidity here, you guys?  Ugh.  I went for a run the other night (also, not a good idea to go for a run in 100% humidity after a dinner of crap and a beer but whatevs), and I came back feeling like I’d jumped into a pool.  I know everyone is all slow down summer, but I’m okay with the idea of some cooler temperatures.  I also just got a pretty snazzy pull over from Under Armor that I can’t wait to bust out.  It has thumb holes, guys.  Thumb holes!

++I got my new glasses this week.  My prescription changed just enough that now I’m having to adjust to being able to actually see everything clearly.  It’s crazy to me how used to our bodies become with seeing out of focus.  J was watching ESPN the other night and I couldn’t believe that I could read the small ticker across the screen!

Alright friends, that about does it!  Happy Tuesday!

linked with: Stuff & Things

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  1. OMG I wish my hair did what yours does after a night of letting it air dry! Happy Date-versary!

  2. Good for you for running in the humidity, I can't do that! And I also cannot eat ice cream off a cone without making a mess! I don't know how people do it, they must be wizards!

  3. My hair looks horrible if I go to bed with it wet, your's looks fabulous!

    It's so humid here too and today the heat index is supposed to be 105 – 107, I miss the 86's from a couple weeks ago!

  4. So sweet he surprised you with a little dinner out! Girl, your hair looks amazing! I might be a tad jealous 😉 And YES, this Oklahoma humidity is killer too… UGH

  5. I wear my new glasses all the time at home now because being able to see is pretty awesome! 🙂 LOOOOOVE your hair naturally like that – it's beautiful and people try to make their look like that with an hour of styling! haha And oh the humidity is here too…ugh, August.

  6. YOUR HAIR! So much love! And your nail polish- so pretty! I am going to check out that evernote post– I have it on my ipad and always like it when I do use it but I never remember to use it and I've never bothered to sync it to my computer or phone. Yay for a surprise dinner out for your date-iversary 🙂

  7. Seriously your hair! LOVE LOVE LOVE. A million times.
    You made me laugh with the ice cream cone. 😛
    How sweet of your hubby to treat you to dinner even though he's super busy. Sweet guy!

  8. Ooooh, this reminds me that I'm due for an eye appointment. I've definitely been getting more squinty eyed lately.
    I'm jealous of your hair. If I go to bed with a wet head…. let's just say the results- no pretty!
    LOVE your new picture at the top. You look gorgeous, darling!
    Happy dateaversary to you and J! So sweet he remembered, and this post made me look at the calendar and realize today is mine and Steve's 9 year dateaversary! Although, I can guarantee he won't remember, nor will there be ice cream. LOL

  9. I'd love to wake up with my hair looking like that!

    LOLOL same on the ice cream cone. I am a total liability in the car.

  10. Awe, dinner AND ice cream! How awesome!!!!

    And just shut up, that's what you hair looks like naturally after sleeping on it wet?!?!?! That is how I know that life is not fair!

    Don't get me started on humidity. Hello fall, you can't get here soon enough!!! I swear I can sweat from my office to my car!

  11. As I read the ice cream part… I was thinking of my new car and I cringed. I knew what would happen. No food in my car these days! lol Your hair looks great, btw!

  12. So happy you two crazy kids got to go on a date, I love that he surprised you! I also really enjoyed the ice cream story! Sometimes they know us a little too well eh?

    When I sleep on my wet hair it looks like medusa, it's so bad I can't even share a photo, so I am majorly jelly of that hair!! You look gorgeous!

    The humidity went away a bit here for about a week, but now it's back again. The cooler temperatures were a little chilly for my liking, though I am starting to crave a little sweater weather

  13. Your hair looks awesome!! It would take me hours to get mine to look like that! 🙂


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