Stuff & Things 8/14

by | Aug 14, 2014 | Throwback | 13 comments

++ The other night we settled into bed.  J fell asleep pretty quickly and I had my earplugs in so I couldn’t hear much of anything.  Suddenly, I hear the low vibration of J’s voice and I yank out my earplug.  He said, “I must have been half asleep because when Campbell kicked his crinkle ball in here, I thought you had a candy bar in bed.”  The sad thing is, he wasn’t even all that surprised at his assumption.  
++ I pulled into our driveway the other day and something caught my eye.  I guess my brain immediately identified it as “bird” and I looked away.  But then I did a double take.  Holy bananas!  Upon closer inspection, the sucker had a poor little squirrel in his talons.  Of course I called J, who happened to be home on a quick break (thank God for living on campus), to meet me outside.  When I got out of the car, the hawk flew over to the fence behind him with the squirrel dangling.  I mean, this is my back yard y’all!  He hung out on that fence forever.  Go home, hawk.  Go home!
++ I made the mistake of buying and trying Nutella this week.  My favorite things in the world are chocolate croissants.  I haven’t had one in ages, so I thought I’d try a little on my own.  Oh, my goodness y’all.  I feel like I’ve been living under a rock!  It’s definitely not the healthiest, but whatevs.  I don’t care.  I know, I know.  I still need to try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Who woulda thought I’d cross “publish a novel” off my 30 before 30 before having a PB&J?  Yeah, me neither.
++ We have a string of xmas lights that hangs in our living room because the room is just so dark.  They’re white lights on a white strand.  Well, half the strand went out.  And it’s August.  Where the heck am I supposed to find xmas lights right now?  Do you know?  (I live in the middle of no where so don’t say hobby lobby–the closest one is 3 hours away).
++ Our couches were disintegrating on us–I’m talking to the extent that we had to make sure we didn’t have any “couch” on us whenever we’d get up.  I don’t blame them.  They’d been put through the ringer in the last almost 5 years.  I think cheap furniture is only supposed to go through so many unprofessional moves in its lifetime.  So the hubs called last week, told me to call the store to double check they had the couch we wanted in stock that he had a Uhaul lined up.  He had a short break from camp and he managed to get the Uhaul, grab the couches, deliver them, dispose of our old ones and then return the Uhaul all in just about an hour and a half!  I have to say…we’re kind of in love.  I’m also really glad we went for the ottoman, too!  
Okay, friends.  I think that’s it for today!  See yah tomorrow!

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  1. Wait!!?!?! You've never had a PB&J?!?!?! ME EITHER!!!!!!!! People think it's weird, but I have very strange texture/oral issues, and the thought of that combo grosses me out. Don't have one, that way I can tell people I know someone else who hasn't had one.
    Poor little squirrel. When we first moved to where we live, I wasn't used to all this… nature… and we would find rabbit and squirrel parts randomly. YUCK.
    I second Kathy, there are a ton of sites you can get lights from. Try amazon.
    Love the couch, we have one quite similar in blue. Enjoy the new furniture!

  2. You must have a PB&J, it's soooo good. I love them for dinner sometimes in the summer because they are fast, easy, filling, and cool!

    I found lights at the Goodwill last week but if that fails you could always order them online, it's better than driving 3 hours.

  3. You are the second person I've heard of trying nutella for the first time this week. Blows my mind. It's magical and can do no wrong in my eyes. The couch looks great!

  4. Love the new couch! It's gorgeous.

    That HAWK! Oh my gosh. I saw one a few years ago do basically the same thing. Crazy. If you have any small dogs, now is NOT the time to let them out without a leash. Yikes.

    You could try Amazon for the Christmas lights? I'm sure you can find them on there.

  5. Ahhhh the hawk looks scary!!!

    I LOVE Nutella!!! I tried it for the first time a few years ago and never looked back. I will be 31 this weekend and I have never had a PB&J either.

    Loving the new couch!!! We are going to need a new one soon too I think!

  6. That's funny about what you're hubby said in bed! :-p That hawk…eek!! You know what? I have never had Nutella but I'm told that I need to try it. I'm afraid of falling in love. And I like the new couch!

  7. Woah, you've NEVER TRIED PB&J?!? Oh man. I used to live on those things! I haven't actually made one in ages, but when I was in school, that was almost always my lunch. Nutella is the best ever though. And I love the candy bar assumption. I used to be so bad for eating in our bed. One night, husband rolled over on a popcorn kernel, and my eating in bed habit was banned from our house. I still always drink coffee in bed, but no more food 🙂

  8. It's never even occurred to me that people might have never had PB&J before, except I guess if they were allergic. I dream of a couch like that, think J wants to fill another uhaul and bring me one?

  9. That couch looks amazing– I dream about having a corner couch– is that even what it's called? LOL. We started buying nutella a couple of months ago and it's a problem, I was eating it on waffles like twice a day! Sooo good though! Also, that hawk?! So scary! I don't think you're missing much not trying the pb&j yet 😉


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