Try It Tuesday!

by | Aug 5, 2014 | Throwback | 13 comments

I don’t think that’s actually a thing, but it worked for this post!

Like anyone else, I spend entirely too much time sitting at my desk.  It never really bothered me before, but now that I’m paying a little more attention to my physical activity–I decided to ditch my old, uncomfortable desk chair for a yoga ball.
A few years ago (you know, back when two incomes were a thing), I had a membership to Massage Envy.  It wasn’t because I wanted monthly massages (I mean, that part didn’t suck), but I was battling my posture.  Let’s just say…my posture wasn’t pretty.
Now that I’m running, I’m stretching.  And by golly, wouldn’t you know my posture has pretty much straightened out.  But in my old desk chair, I’d sit in all kinds of contorted positions.  I even brought one of the ottomans in from the living room so I could slouch even further.  Hashtag: lazy.
So on Sunday, all that changed.  The desk chair got the boot.  Aside from helping with my posture, sitting on a yoga ball engages your core.  You know, so you don’t go rolling off of it.  Core strength is such a huge part of running–so I’m down for anything that might help in that department.
Would you consider ditching your desk chair for a yoga ball?  
Do any of you already do this?

NYC Long Wearing: 152 Tudor City Teal
This jelly formula teal is absolutely to die for.  And you know what’s even better?  It’s 99 cents!  (I just heard my husband bust into Thrift Shop in my head).  I’ve mentioned before I’m a huge fan of the cheaper brands.  Sometimes you have to hunt a little, but there are some serious gems.  This went right onto my list of favorites.  The formula was great (like most jellies, it’s a little sheer.  I used 3 coats), and I just love the soft color the gel gives!

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  1. I like the ball idea. I don't spend a lot of time in front of the computer at home (okay, I'm on the couch on my laptop, not a chair). I am in front of the computer at work but I do't think my job will let me stay on a ball. HOWEVER they did give me an orthopedic chair which is awesome. I don't know why they don't do it automatically for everyone – I had to get a letter from my doctor to request it. Lame. Love that color nail polish!!!

  2. Wonderful idea, why not!? I'm the girl that does squats in the bathroom at work all throughout my day 🙂 And of course I noticed your nail polish collection in the background just hanging out on your door… haha

  3. I think a yoga ball is fabulous for a chair! I love your office space. I have been saying I am going to get mine together for about a year now and I still haven't. My desk is full of crap and you cant even see the bottom and I have a folding metal chair in there. I have an extra yoga ball, I should totally put it in there and let that be my inspiration to start getting the room together!

    Also, I have never tried a jelly polish! But it was 99 cents….haha! I need to try it at that price!

  4. I totally want a yoga ball for at work!! I've tried convincing my company to go that route but they just aren't listening! Argh!!! Awesome you did it – you'll have to do an update in a few months!
    Renee @

  5. I've totally considered trading in the desk chair for an exercise ball, I get way to much lazy time here at home and I need to get better about being active and healthy even when I'm sitting.

  6. My core is so weak. It is such a struggle to strengthen it. It's funny because whenever I run, my abs are the sorest the next day. How do you like using the yoga ball so far? Is it comfortable? I want to do that as well, but I'm a little scared my back will hurt. Are you sore?

    PS: I love your office setup!

  7. I've known people to use a ball at the office, but I've never tried it! That would be a good posture and core strengthener though. Love that nail polish color!

  8. At my old job at ton of people used a ball as a chair. I only use them at the gym though. 🙂 It is a great idea though. That nail polish is pretty too. Kind of reminds me of one from the OPI Brazil collection. Hope that you're having a great day!

    – Caroline

  9. My old supervisor had a ball chair, that had a wheel-y base so it could move around the room and it kept the ball from rolling everywhere! I totally understand the poor posture thing, I am terrible for slouching! Your running stories make me want to get up off the couch and at least try!

  10. I've never done the yoga ball thing….never really had the opportunity to. I wonder if they'd let me at work. LOVE that color! It's similar to the Essie one I have on my toes now!

  11. That polish color is so pretty- I'm still so obsessed with all shades of blue! I need to get one of those exercise balls because we don't have a good desk chair and I slouch sooo bad!

  12. I've been really wanting to try the exercise ball thing for my work chair, I just haven't gotten around to buying one yet. How do you like it? Is it worth it?


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