Tell Me What to Do With My Life

by | Aug 1, 2014 | Throwback | 12 comments

Sally Hansen Insta-dri in Peachy Breeze
Wide brush
Formula: a little thick.  First coat streaked.  Second coat applied fine.
**I used Out the Door topcoat for the first time.  It’s okay.  I like Seche Vite better for 2 reasons:
  1. It dries all layers of polish quicker (no risk of any dents).
  2. It’s shinier.  It always leaves the appearance of gel.  
Seche Vite might be a few bucks more, but it’s worth it, in my opinion.
Can you guys tell I’ve been in a pink mood?  Actually, that’s not really even true.  I’ve just been on this perpetual hunt for the perfect soft light pink/coral color.  
++I finished season three of Scandal, and now I don’t know what to do with my life.  Maybe I’ll actually finish the three books I’m in the middle of right now.  But go ahead–throw some (Netflix) shows at me! (Actually, you can throw some amazon prime shows at me too–because I have the best gushfriend on the planet).
++ I’m in this weird in between busy and bored state now that the book is done.  I certainly am not as busy as I was with the book–but there’s just enough to do that I can’t just sit on the couch all day–and that, for some reason, means I have zero motivation to do any of it.  Why is it that when we’re busy as crap, we get so much done.  But when we have all the time in the world, nothing gets done?
++ I’m almost out of my Chi volumizing mousse that I got when I bought my Chi straightener (yeah, it’s that old.  Sue me).  It does the job without leaving a seriously nasty residue in my hair (you can feel it’s there, but it doesn’t change the texture of my hair–if that makes any sense).  But my hair certainly looks thicker (and the roots lift) when I use it.  Do any of you have any drug store mousse recommendations?
++ I have gotten a lot (way more than I ever expected) of emails from people telling me they want to write a book and asking what the process was like.  First of all, I’m seriously flattered.  Secondly, I’ll work up a post with the dirty details, but please know and understand that the process is different for everyone.  What worked for me might not work for you.  There isn’t some standard formula anymore.  I’ll do my best to give whatever advice I can, though!   (PS–If you haven’t already, snag my book!)
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  1. I think blogger ate my comment? UGH!

    I love that color! I have a few insta-drys. I like the formula alright, but I like their salon manicure best!

    I love Scandal!!!! Have you tried The Good Wife? We are streaming it through prime and are about to start season 3. So good!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. i love that color!! i have 2 of the insta-drys and they're not bad; good for the price you pay.

    you should try watching hannibal or banshee…soooo good!

    Vodka and Soda

  3. You've really been rocking these pinks! And your nails are so perfectly shaped. Love! I've never tried Out the Door top coat, but agree with you that Seche is hard to beat. My only real beef with it is the shrinkage factor. Sometimes, it leaves a naked strip at the top of my nails! So frustrating. I've had better luck with HK Girl's Glisten and Glow. It doesn't dry QUITE as quickly as Seche, but it's still pretty quick and there's no shrinkage. It does tend to cloud, though, after you've used it for a while. I've rarely used an entire bottle before moving to another one. Oh the trials and tribulations of top coat, eh? Haha! And how nice to get emails about writing!! That's so cool!

  4. I just laughed out loud at Nadine's comment "I think Blogger ate my comment" haha. I hate when that happens! Love that color. I've fought the urge to start Scandal, OITNB, PLL & Friday Night Lights after seeing everyone rave about them. We have Netflix, but I've never even used it haha. I want to watch, but I don't want to get sucked into anything else, I can never find time for stuff as it is!

  5. Ooh, I love the nail colour! And my Netflix recommendation is The Mindy Project, if you haven't watched it already. So funny. I totally agree about getting nothing done when you have time! That's pretty much exactly what I'm doing right now 🙂 Also, CONGRATS on the book being out! (I read the posts about it on my phone, but didn't comment because the phone makes it so hard haha. But YAY!)

  6. I love that color!

    I hate that place between busy and bored where you don't do anything, I'm pretty sure I'm there hanging out with you.

  7. This is such a nice color! I have never owned Seche Vite, but gooooodness I know that everyone raves about it! I think I'll buy some when I move back to the States 🙂 Can't wait to read the blog about your book process!

  8. Another fun summer-y nail color! I think I'm the only person who doesn't watch Scandal. Might I suggest Dexter, Suits, and Shameless. LOVE those shows!!

    Happy weekend sweets!

  9. Uh, you should write another book. Duh.
    I need show recommendations myself. Let me know if you come across anything. The Vampire Diaries was a disappointment, so I never finished it.
    I'd totally be interested in reading about the book writing process.

  10. I'm watching 90210 (the new one), not sure if I can recommend it though- it's kind of meh. I just like having background noise! I hate the feeling of a day being over and nothing being accomplished, when I had nothing but time- but at the same time, when you've got free time it's hard to motivate yourself to get up and actually do anything!
    Another gorgeous manicure!


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