An Invasion. A Birthday. And A Move.

by | Jun 5, 2014 | Throwback | 18 comments

>> Our whole house is hardwoods.  Which means with this stupid boot on, I sound like Peg Leg Steve.  J has started referring to me as booty.  The other night when I walked into the living room he goes booty booty booty booty walkin’ everywhere.   Yeah.

>>Wednesday morning we woke up to what sounded like an invasion on our house.  Nope.  Just the lawn maintenance people and our back door neighbor sawing down trees.

>> My birthday is on Sunday.  I probably should have written this on Wednesday and linked it up with Kathy as a confession–but somehow I ended up confused and thought I was turning 29.  I’m not sure where the mistake happened–but I’ve been thinking this for the last 6 months.  My husband realized my error and was like “uhm, no.  You’re turning 28.”  I feel the opposite of Pheobe.  I get a whole year of my life back.

>> J is trying to teach me stick shift.  With my boot on.  Surprisingly, that doesn’t really affect it (at least I don’t think it does).  We were in an empty lot on Monday driving around.  I’m not sure I’m coordinated enough.  Actually, I’m pretty sure I’m not.

>> This one needs a little back story.  We live in a house offered by the university.  Another football coach lives in another house offered by the university.  Well, that coach and his family are in the process of moving.  The university decided to repurpose the house they were living in–and he didn’t have much notice.  The school is doing what they can to take care of them, but in my opinion it sounds kind of like a nightmare.

My phone rings on Wednesday morning.  It was a local number I didn’t recognize.  I missed the call and called it right back.  It went to the voicemail of someone in residence life for the university.  Immediately, my heart jumped into my throat.  I called J thinking surely they would only call me if they couldn’t get ahold of him.  He said he’d take care of it.

Later that afternoon, J calls me from work.  Says he heard back and that we had to be out of the house by the end of the month.  

I just sat there on the other end of the line silent.  My whole body went numb.  If you’re new here, there was a bit of drama with settling into this house on my end.  But now that we’re here, I’m happy.  I’m comfortable.  This house works for us.

I swear in the moments it finally took for J to say just kidding I was trying my hardest not to break down.  That little jerk.

Turns out a package was just delivered to the Res Life office instead of our PO Box for some reason.  I’m still trying to catch my breath.

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  1. Bahahahah "booty booty booty booty walkin' everywhere!" is AWESOME!

  2. LOL!! I also forget sometimes how old I am, I'm 26 but somehow always think I'm 27! My birthday is July 1st so hopefully this will help my confusion with 27!

  3. I have to do the math to know how old I am most of the time, now that I'm over 25 I don't even really care how old I am. It's weird.

    The booty song cracked me up, sorry. 🙂

  4. Ouch, that was a rough one. Now you have to pay him back, for sure. Happy early birthday!

  5. Hahaha… he needs payback for that one!

  6. yayyyyy for birthdays! I always lie and say I'm going to be a year younger, so at least you aren't doing that 🙂

  7. Happy birthday weekend! I did that the year I was 32. I told everyone I was 33. My best friend was finally like THAT IS NOT HOW OLD YOU ARE. LOLOL

  8. I'm so glad you gained a year of your life back 😉

    Ummmm a certain somebody would be sleeping on the couch with that BS. I'm so excited for your birthday!!! What's the plan??

  9. Wow, that was not very nice a J. Make sure you withhold the booty, booty, booty to get back at him!

  10. Laughing so hard at the birthday age mix up! I'm so glad I'm not alone, I definitely have had some "wait, how old am I, pull out my drivers license" moments. Yay for gaining a year of your life back haha!

  11. Sometimes I totally forget how old I am. What I think I am, what I actually am and how I act all bounce back and forth, ya know?!

    I am laughing at the booty thing. That is pretty funny. Sorry.

    And ummmmm what is not funny is messing with you about having to be out of your house! OMG! I would have been so angry.

  12. THIS. This is why I am so glad we are moving onto our own land with our own property and I can just build a damn bunker and plant myself in the ground if I want.
    If we get our security deposit back from our current rental agency, I'm going to write a blog post that rivals the Carnival cruise experience one.

    I was thinking yesterday and I couldn't remember how old I was for a second. It's awful that I just turned 28 but now I'm almost 28 1/2. Yuck.

  13. Hahaha I love the "booty booty booty booty" line haha. Stick with the "stick shift" learning – that shit is funnnn when you get it down! 😉 Also – happy early birthday!!

  14. Oh my gosh, hahaha I was like nooo to you having to move! That was quite the little trick for him to play on you! And you and your boot! At least it is making for some funny stories 🙂


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