Stuff & Things

by | Feb 24, 2014 | Throwback | 17 comments

Yo, Kristin.  Why haven’t you made this a link up yet?
–As a kid, I had zero patience for the game Tetris.  This poses a problem for me as an adult.  How do I know this?  My husband always rearranges the dishwasher after me.
–Everyone is all I hate this and I hate that and these are the rules for blogging and I’m just over here dancing in the corner inhaling a cupcake and throwing glitter.  
 –A friend from HS made this comment on Friday’s post.  And the more I think about it the harder I laugh.
–I am pretty sure I have to eliminate coffee from my diet.  At least for a little while.  The ugly truth is the price I pay to drink it every morning without a gall bladder is really just not worth it.  Tell me about your favorite teas and how you drink them–if you would.
–I’m going to visit my best friend this weekend.  She felt it necessary to send this text.

Pssshhh.  As if I wouldn’t 🙂

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  1. …because I'm terrified it would be a flop as a link-up. Also, I can't decide on a day of the week. Mine are always on different days!
    I've started going easier on the coffee. Last week, I wasn't feeling it at all. I like green tea with ginseng and also warm lemon water.

  2. ahh I hate blogging rules too! I say just do whatever you want, it's your blog! And cupcakes, yum!

  3. What's wrong with having a framed pic of Dr. Bailey??? Hahhaha– I totally thought the same thing when I first glanced at it!

  4. bahahahhaaha it kinda does look like a framed pic!!! I'll throw up some glitter and eat some cupcakes with you! I could eat cupcakes at every meal…I have really been digging them for breakfast. The last time we were in Chicago I got a lemon one with blueberry frosting from Crumbs and I felt it was totally acceptable for breakfast…it was like a muffin with 1/2 a pound of frosting 😉 Can you come and paint my nails?? I am so proud my right hand actually looks pretty good for once in my life. xoxoxoxo

  5. Haha, I love the, "everyone is all follow the ules for blogging and I'm just throwing glitter!"–that's pretty much me too:) ha!

  6. Okay SO many things on this post!
    1. I JUST posted something on Pinterest over the weekend about how loading a dishwasher is the grown up version of Tetris. I am neurotic about it! Harris like to put bowls on the bottom drawer, and I KNOW they belong on the top! Haha it is insane!
    2. I had a very similar first thought about your Grey's Anatomy video – I was like…is that a picture of Dr. Bailey on her table?
    3. I kid you not when I say this will be the very best tea of your entire LIFE! I am so incredibly serious, and I have plenty of testimonials from other people I have converted, if you need proof 😉 It is Good Earth Sweet & Spicy (formerly known as their Original tea). You can buy it at, and sometimes you can find a deal on Amazon, and sooooometimes you can find it in Target stores. If you do get it, trust me on this, do NOT add ANYTHING to it!!! It is absolutely perfect the way it is and doesn't need milk or sugar or any other nonsense added to it. I had a friend disregard my advice on the last bit, and when I went to see how she liked the tea I had given her, she politely said, "it's okay", to which I said, "you added something to it didn't you?!" she said, "just a bit of sugar and cream", and I said, "pour that out and remake that tea and listen to me this time". And she did, and she ended up buying a case of it. The end 🙂

  7. A girls weekend sounds so nice!!! I hope you have an awesome time. Oh and screw the rules, do what you want your way and have fun!

  8. Oooooh la la girls' weekend! I hope that was a blast, full of nail polish 😉 I have found a tea that I really like, but I'm not sure how great it'd be as a "wake up!!" tea. If you're interested, I love the Vanilla Honey Chamomile from Celestial Seasonings.

    aka Bailey

  9. I would join you in throwing glitter, but all my stuff is in storage still, and I have no vacuum cleaner, and my cat would probably try to eat it.

    That being said, Earl Gray is my favorite kind of tea, and there's also Lady Gray, which is less intense.

  10. YES!! I'm with you in the glitter corner, and my husband totally re-arranges the dishwasher after me too! We are the same 🙂 And pretty much anything from David's Tea is my favorite ever. My sister recently introduced me to putting coconut oil in my tea, and I'm addicted. (Warning though: she told me about it because she tried it and hated it. So, actually liking it might just be a me thing!)

  11. Have a great time with your best friend! Ha about the framed photo of Dr. Bailey.

  12. That DOES look like a framed pic!
    Tea is for real the bee's knees. Teavana is now owned by Starbucks if you want to get scmancy, or I get Tazo at the market- roobios with hibiscus or English breakfast with a little sugar and milk 🙂 You'll feel like a proper Brit that hangs with the Queen. Straight up green is good for you, but I have to add a little sugar.

  13. Gahhhh… can I tell you how jealous I am that you're hanging out with your best friend this weekend?! IIIIIIII wanna hang out with you, dammit! Some bitches have all the luck.

  14. ha-ha my husband always re-arranges the dishwasher too ha-ha

  15. I worked with a woman who kept a framed picture of Don Draper on her desk and I thought it was brilliant!

  16. Blogging rules are soooo yesterday. I never followed 'em. Mine is all over the place. Sometimes serious, sometimes hilarious, sometimes boring. It is what it is and I'm okay with that because I'm mine.

  17. I rearrange the dishwasher too! Even at my parents house when I go home! Haha
    Oh no, wish you didn't have to give up coffee. It's just TOO good! And necessary most days. 🙂


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