Old School & A Frozen Dog.

by | Feb 10, 2014 | Throwback | 2 comments

Thought I’d share another untraditional Valentine’s Day mani with you all today–except these poor hearts look a lot more like Mickey Mouses than hearts–but hey, I tried.  And you get the idea, right?

Revlon: Minted
Finger Paints: Paper Mache’
Nina UltraPro: Star Bright
dotting tool
Our weekend around here was pretty quiet.  I spent a lot of time reading and finally doing all of the laundry.  We were supposed to head down to SC to visit my (I guess our) best friend, but lovely football duty called again.  
Poor Bailey has a cold.  She’s been coughing and sneezing like crazy the last couple days.  And I hate to admit this, but it’s my fault.  I have a really bad habit of letting her out and kind of…forgetting.  Luckily, J is usually in the same room and sees her pitiful little face by the screen door.  But this time I forgot and went to take a shower while J watched TV in the other room.  Post shower, and all the after shower stuff, I wandered back into the living room and saw my poor frozen dog in the door.  I’m the worst mother in the world.
My Netflix show of choice these days is old school Grey’s Anatomy.  We’re talking the days of Callie O’Malley and Meredith Grey drowning and almost dying.  These episodes put me RIGHT back in college (when I binge watched for the first time)–and makes me miss it so much.  This show is full of those gem kind of quotes that we all used to put as our cryptic away messages on AIM.  But this one seemed especially fitting right now.  Especially considering how many scars I’m sporting on my abdomen.
People have scars in all sorts of unexpected places like secret road maps of their personal histories, diagrams of all their old wounds. Most of our old wounds heal leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them don’t. Some wounds we carry with us everywhere and though the cut’s long gone, the pain still lingers.
Oh, and this weekend I tried Cherry Sours for the first time.  Add them to the list of weird food things Joey hadn’t ever tried (or heard of in this case).  Verdict: super yummy.  

linked: weekendshenanigans; mmg

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  1. I meant to buy cherry sours this weekend and I forgot so I will keep bumming from my coworker. And poor Bailey! But it happens to us all. Don't stress too much!

  2. Mmmmm cherry sours! Love them, but always forget about them. LOL about your poor doggy! One of my kitties is obsessed with going in the pantry because she knows the treats are there…lately she gets stuck in there and then meows soooo loudly so we remember to get her out! Love that mint color!!


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