30 before 30

by | Feb 4, 2014 | Throwback | 8 comments

*learn to spell French Macaron

I’m 27.  I’ll be 28 this year.  How the heck did that happen?  It makes me think of that quote from Grey’s Anatomy:
We’re adults.
When did that happen?
And how do we make it stop?

I hate to admit it, but I’ve spent a good chunk of my adult life thus far waiting.  I was waiting for a proposal.  I was waiting for our wedding.  I was waiting until we could move out of GA.  I was waiting for the right time to pursue my writing dream (FYI-there’s never a right time for that kind of thing).  I don’t know what it was about 2013, but all of a sudden I realized that we were for real grown ups.  I know that sounds silly-but we handled some pretty big (and real) things last year.  And I just remember standing in the kitchen asking J when our daily conversations became about the electric bill and medical crap.  
If I’m being honest, what started this whole list thing was when Lauren found out I’d never had a peanut butter & jelly sandwich.  I know the fact that I haven’t had a PB&J is crazy (and silly), but it just made me think of all the little things I haven’t done yet that I’d hate to never do.  
I know my list isn’t very lavish–but I wanted to keep it attainable.  I’d love to put all these different vacations on there, but I know the likelihood of us having the expendable income for that kind of stuff while I’m still chasing the whole writing dream is pretty slim.  Now if we end up GETTING to do those types of things, awesome.  But I wanted to write down a list of things that with the type of lifestyle we’re living right now would still be attainable.
The point is to add a little more “life” in our days–not spend a ton of money.  
So tell me, what’s on your 30 before 30 list?

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  1. I've also spent much time waiting. When you know you're going to move every few years, you're always waiting for the next big thing. Unfortunate. I like your list (and the format you did it in). I might steal a few!

  2. LOL glad the PB&J got you to thinking. I still just can't fathom that! Being that I am turning 30 this year (womp womp) I have no desire to make a list because that's too much pressure. Maybe I'll start one to finish by the time I turn 40!

    Also… macarons… get on that. They are expensive but pretty tasty!

  3. I'd be pretty busy if I tried to complete this list before 30. . .since that's happening in October. I guess of your list, I've done. . .10 of them? OK, I'll consider that a win. :0)

    But seriously, if you get to #14, let me know!

  4. Of all the things… #9. I mean, like NOW, lady.

  5. I love all the travel ones! Since I'm over the 30 mark I might have to copy Lauren and do a before 40 list!
    If you decide to run a 5k by this May I'll do it with you! 🙂

  6. Never had a pb&j?! What was your easy-peasy, go-to staple??

    And until I read your list I would have no idea what's on mine, but I can agree with a few of yours! #21, 24, and 30 especially. #30 as a joint family vacay at a beach or lake- I just love that idea. And I would love to go to a blogging conference, but feel that I have to commit a bit more to sticking with it. Maybe that's one of my resolutions. Blog better.

  7. oh friend, seriously – we're adults! how did that happen?! my birthday was just last week, and as 28 inches me ever closer to 30, it just seems incredulous. but good at the same time. it is so bizarre. but this at least has me thinking of my own 30 by 30 list! and i love yours (and you!), by the way!

  8. I'm working on my 30 Before 30 list right now!!! I'm gonna unveil is next month on my 29th birthday. It's so fun, isn't it?!
    Okay, now to the important stuff: how in the actual fuck have you never had a PB&J? I thought we were spirit animals but you just ruined it.


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