5: Week In Review

by | Jan 24, 2014 | Throwback | 7 comments

1. On Tuesday night, Bailey was snuggled up really close to me (read: I was pretty much hanging off the bed).  Well at one point she stretched and pushed me a little bit.  I was dead asleep but woke up just enough to realize I brushed up against something.  I wasn’t sure what it was though.  Then I heard a sound like the remote hit the hardwood floor, but the remote was in front of me.  What on Earth was that?  Then I heard a pitiful “meow.”  Poor Campbell was sound asleep next to me in the bed, so when I got nudged, I nudged him out of the bed.  And he fell.  Onto the hardwood.  On his head.  What kind of animal doesn’t wake up when they’re falling?  What kind of cat doesn’t land on his feet?  The poor dude.  He’s okay–but I think he thinks the fall gave him hulk like abilities.  He’s been trying to scale the walls since.

2. I shifted my shower routine to the evenings.  I’ve found it so dang relaxing to crawl into bed squeaky clean.  It also feels really nice to wash the day away.  I actually find it more relaxing than a bath in the evenings because I bring my phone/ipad/book etc into the bath with me so I’m still engaged.  In the shower–it’s just me and my thoughts.  I’m a fan.

3. Occasionally, I’ll download a bunch of free books from Amazon.  I almost never read them, but I like “having them” in case I run out of things to read.  Well the other day I finished a book and was in the mood to keep reading.  So I randomly selected one of the free books I’d downloaded years ago.  FOCUS  It was about a woman who was diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease and how it (and the treatment) changed her life.  I figured it would be good enough.  Well, the book was chalk full of inspiration for writing.  There was no way for me to know that when I dove into the book.  But it said all of the things I needed to hear at this specific moment in my life.  I love when stuff like that happens.

You have a dream that’s eating away at your soul but you don’t go after it?

When you go after something you are truly passionate about, the universe has a way of opening up paths for you.

4. Speaking of writing.  After Lauren read my book, she gave me some great feedback for revisions.  It was the push in the right direction that I needed.  I’ve been working hard on fine tuning and tweaking since.  The goal is to have it off to the copyeditor by the end of February.  The plan is to self publish this novel sometime this year.  I will keep you all updated with the details on that and definitely let you know when it’s up for sale.  I’m still working hard on my second novel as well.  I’ll take the path of querying out agents with that one since it will be a better representation of my writing at this point.  My first novel I wrote almost 4 years ago.
5. I’m itching to reorganize my nail polish collection.  Eventually I’ll bribe the hubs to build a shelf for them (or shelves, rather).  In order to do that, I need an accurate count so I know what measurements to use.  I’m almost afraid to admit the number.  It almost makes me feel ashamed.  Almost.  197.  I have a problem.  Someone check me into rehab.  And at the same time I can’t help but think I only need three more to make an even 200.  See?  I have a problem.
linked: h54f, 5onfriday

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  1. that is A LOT of nail polishes!!! But that's why your nails always look so good 🙂 We all have guilty pleasures my dear! Love you! Happy weekend! PS – that is the cutest little snuggled up cat ever!

  2. Holy nail polish collection! That is impressive!!! Happy weekend, girl! xx

  3. I shower in the evenings. I started that after I began going to evening gym classes. It's such a great way to unwind, and saves all kinds of time in the morning!

  4. It's funny, I asked my hubby if he would build me a wall polish holder for Valentine's day, the bad thing is it will probably take him a whole weekend or 2. I need to re-organize my polishes too & buy another plastic bin for them if my hubby doesn't build me a holder. I would love to display them.

  5. you should check out "the freckled fox" blog for her nail polish organization! she has a ton too. i cannot believe you've written a book. honestly, i've wanted to, but i don't know how i would ever focus long enough to get it done. good for you! found you via the linkup. new reader!

  6. Sometimes I shower in the morning and at night (skipping a hair wash) just for THAT same feeling. It's wonderful. 🙂
    Dang, so many nail polishes! I have like 6.

  7. 197??? Andrew says I have too many. I think I have like 12. And yay for the book! I can't wait to buy it! Oh and Poor Campbell but I already knew all of that – I hope he's still exhibiting his super strength and entertaining you!


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