Mr & Mrs. Married: What to Do?

by | Jan 23, 2014 | Throwback | 4 comments

Have you seen the second S&TC movie?  Well, there’s a scene where Carrie expresses fear that she and Mr. Big are becoming too…Mr. & Mrs. Married.

My four year anniversary is just around the corner.  And while that may not be that long to be that married, the hubs took his dear sweet time before popping the question not that I’m still bitter or anything, so we’ve been together a good long while.  Because of our football lifestyle, there will always be the element of change and adventure.  But I hate to tell you that no matter how frequently (or infrequently) you move, it’s kind of the same stuff different day.  Different surroundings.  Suddenly you have your rooms set up with the same furniture and just like that…it’s home.  It’s life as normal.  Next thing you know he’s got sport center on TV and you’re yelling that the shelf in the living room isn’t his personal cubby space for all his crap.

That’s comforting to me.  The fact that no matter how our lives change.  No matter how many places we move; home is still the same.  Mr. & Mrs. Married doesn’t have to be such a boring thing.  I’m thankful for our norms.  I’m thankful for our little life and our quote unquote boring routines.

We don’t have much of a budget for extra things right now.  We live in a small town without a night life.  We don’t have many friends close by.  We have to rely on each other to keep things interesting.  And that can be scary for a lot of couples.  Especially couples like J and me who don’t really have much in common.  He’s side splitting hilarious.  I’m really not funny.  Or at least not in a cracking jokes kind of way.  My humorous abilities mostly come from those “did she really just say something that stupid” kind of moments.  Or because I’m clumsy.  He loves football, and I love glitter.  He wouldn’t read a book if it was the only thing available to do.  I could lock myself in a room all day reading book after book.

But we love finding shows that we can both get into.  When we first got married, we binge watched How I Met Your Mother before we got cable.  And we tune in every Monday night for that (no matter how horrible this season has been so far) and 2 Broke Girls which we laugh out loud at every single time.


We also devoured the entire series of Friday Night Lights our first year of marriage.  That was an obvious pick for us–and I think I’d be lying if I said we didn’t want to model our family after the Taylors.

We recently started (and finished embarrassingly quickly) the Orange is The New Black series.  And no we’re anxiously waiting for season 2 to be released.

He also recently started watching New Girl with me.  When he expressed interest in watching it with me it almost made me love him more.  Is that weird?

I know that might sound boring to a lot of you; finding a show and binge watching with your spouse.  Some of you might be shaking your head thinking “nonono, you should be going out to dinners and taking lavish vacations.”  That’s just not in our budget at this stage in our lives.  So we make do with what we’ve got.  And there’s just something really comforting about enjoying something like a TV show together.  It’s a reminder that despite how different we can be that we have things in common.

What do you do to spend quality time with your lifelong buddy?  Do you binge watch shows with your spouse?  If so–what do you watch together?

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  1. Hah there's nothing boring about this! I honestly hope my future husband will be the same way. 😉

  2. We watch a huge amount of TV. Shows we have watched in their entirety (mostly binged on Netflix) in the past almost eight years, here we go: 24, Gilmore Girls, Everwood, The OC, The Office (well until we caught up), Rescue Me, Brothers and Sisters, Dexter (except not this last season), House of Cards, Chuck… I'm sure there are more. He loves watching TV together! Now I spend too much time blogging, oops. I should be a better wife and bond over it with him. We want to watch Sons of Anarchy next!

  3. My husband and I *totally* do this — and now find marathon-watching a TV show is our preferred way to watch TV series now. We just finished the first season of 'Breaking Bad' and have been working our way through 'Dexter' — and we TOTALLY crashed our way through 'Orphan Black' in like 2 days. We also have a soft spot for 'Friends' as we started watching it when we first got together 17 years ago. We are just wrapping up rewatching the complete series (10 seasons in all!) for like the fifth time. 😀

    Jen @ Librarian for Life & Style

  4. My husband and I are currently binge watching Friday Night Lights. It is so good (and I don't even like football)! I'm developing a girl crush on Connie Britton — such a cool lady. I like how she handles her husband and I love their bond. We're only in Season 1, so I'm looking forward to what's going to happen next!

    We also obsessed over Lost. He's watched the entire series twice and I've seen it once. We're both thinking about watching it again because it was just that good.


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