I got. I fell. I watched. I read. I shopped.

by | Jan 10, 2014 | Throwback | 10 comments

Oh, gosh.  Hi Hi!  
Let’s hop on in to our 5 for Friday.
1.  Remember when I mentioned that I was hinting painfully to the husband what I wanted for Christmas?  And I said I would elaborate if he did it?  Well, he did.  I am now the proud owner obsessor of a new iPad!  Woot Woot!  Best Christmas gift ever, right?  
2. The floor by the vanity in my office is very slick.  I mean like, ice skating rink slick.  It’s been that way since like day 2 here because of the leave in conditioner I use (spray conditioner, wood floors.  Not an awesome combo).  I basically don’t let anyone walk over by that part of my office because I don’t want a lawsuit on my hands.  And I know to be extra special careful.  Sunday night I went to put my computer back on my desk (I had been working on the blog design from bed).  Normally, I wouldn’t walk by the vanity for that–but when I was done I noticed a couple of Bailey’s toys on her blanket and thought I would bring them to her (why exactly I felt the need to do that is beyond me considering she was already passed out in bed).  Well.  I fell.  Badly.  As it was happening life went into slow motion and I was like “oh, great.  This will be fun.”  I smacked my left knee into the hardwood, somehow also bruised my right knee and…pulled my incisions.  Well, crap.  Leave it to me. Just call me grace.
3. I’ve been watching Gossip Girl.  I watched season 1 & 2 (and maybe part of season 3?) way back in the day.  I finished the series about a week ago and was SO DANG SHELLSHOCKED at who Gossip Girl was (I’ll spare you the spoilers) that I started back from the beginning immediately.  I just finished season 1 and didn’t remember one second of it.  I don’t even know how that’s possible.  But at least it serves for good entertainment!  Have you watched GG?  Don’t spoil it in the comments but I’d LOVE to discuss it with you via email.  You better believe the first thing I did when I finished the series was text Tara!
4. I read Orange is The New Black.  While I’m interested in watching the series (and have faith that I’ll truly enjoy it), I wasn’t a fan of the book.  I was interested in the content and curious about her story, but the book was just hard to follow. Or maybe that’s not an accurate way to explain it.  It was just hard to get in to.  The writing style was all over the place and nothing was ever developed enough for me to really care.  I had a hard time keeping up with who everyone was and what exactly was going on.  I never pushed through the surface into the actual heart of the book.  The ending was incredibly abrupt which seemed odd to me considering she obviously knew when she would be getting out of prison.  It also left me asking a lot of questions.  Despite all of that, I’m eager to start the series on Netflix.  I’m sure the problems I had with the book are mostly due to how it was written and not with the actual story itself.
5. I went grocery shopping on Tuesday, finally.  Remind me never to go a month between shopping trips again.  It was the coldest day of the year (well, considering it was only the 6th day of the year, it’s probably better if I said it was the coldest day of the winter), and I needed everything.  EVERYTHING.  I typically shop during the week in order to miss the crowds.  Please explain to me how at 11AM on a Tuesday the store was pack and most every mom in there had a gazillion school aged kids in tow?  Didn’t they have school?  Oh gosh, I’ve turned into my father.  Regardless–Aldi is definitely a frustrating store to shop in when there are a lot of people doing the same thing.  Because the store follows a very specific flow (there aren’t so much aisles as there is a “start” and a “finish”).  I am the quickest shopper because with Aldi I don’t even need a list–it’s all muscle memory because of the layout.  Those moms and their obnoxious kids didn’t even see me coming.  Okay, not really.  I just politely moved passed them as I approached them (and their screaming 8 year olds).  

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  1. AH! I'm actually rewatching Gossip Girl through all the way. Some of the moments in earlier seasons make me think they decided who Gossip Girl actually was in the later seasons. There's no way he/she would post SUCH personal things about the relationship! I haven't read Orange is the New Black, but I'm probably the only person in the world who didn't like the show. I hope you do though!!

  2. We have Aldis here, but I've never been. Do you recommend it?
    I usually go to the commissary.
    We watched 2 episodes of Orange is the New Black and didn't really like it. The cast rubbed me the wrong way. If I'm not behind the cast, I won't watch, if that makes sense.
    I got an iPad for Christmas 2 years ago. Scott knew what he was doing: he bought it before I even realized I wanted one.

  3. I stared GG and quit sometime around the teacher from Clueless as Blair's step-father came up. Clearly I was falling out of love with it 🙂 But after it ended I did read to see who GG was.

    You need to tell me what's good at Aldi. Andrew hates it! But sometimes the sales are so good I will go there just for cucumbers or whatever is on sale!

  4. I haven't jumped on the Orange is the new Black bandwagon yet, but I'm sure I will. I can't stand not knowing what everyone is talking about so I always have to read all the books people are talking about. I've heard great things!

  5. From what I understand, the Orange is the New Black book is NOTHING like the show. I haven't read the book, but I kind of hated the show, so do with that what you will.

    Also, I didn't watch the Gossip Girl show (except for occasionally), but I read all the books, and I can't BELIEVE who GG is on the show. Makes no sense.

  6. I've never seen Gossip Girl, but you'd recommend it?! I'm sure I'll be needing a binge show for the last few sees of pregnancy/first few of no sleep and breastfeeding!

  7. Your description of the slick floor due to spray-in conditioner gave me flashbacks to beauty school! We had a "shine spray" that certain students used very liberal and a couple of us almost went down a few times due to a nice silicone-covered floor!

  8. It took me like 3-4 episodes in to fully commit to Orange is the New Black on netflix. After that though I was hooked. Not sure if the book is the same…but you should be warned there is a lot of s-e-x. Or whatever they call it in prison. ha It's crazy.
    I loooooved grocery shopping mid day when I had two part time jobs in 2013. It was sooo nice to go when it wasn't crowded. I am not patient there. 🙂

  9. I am in love with my iPad too! You'll be obsessed for a long time. 🙂

    I'm on the last season of Gossip Girl, so I need to make it through to find out who Gossip Girl is! I read all of the books (not that it matters, the show only followed through the first chapter of book one), and I can't even remember if they unveiled who Gossip Girl was. Oops. At least it'll still be a surprise for me when I get to that place in the show!

  10. GOSSIP GIRL! I hated myself for loving it, but I devoured it while I was on maternity leave.


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