Oh, snap.

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Throwback | 5 comments

Give me a moment to collect my heart from the floor and stuff it back in my chest.

Okay.  Okay.  Now that I’m composed, let me tell you a little story.  It was Monday night.  The weather here in North Carolina is a wee bit confused and we’d had close to 80 degree weather that day that then dropped to about 50 that night.  Because of that, my house was a sauna.

Since it was growing chilly outside and because I REFUSE to turn the AC on in November, I had the window open to bring the temp down just a bit in the house.

Well, it worked.  So I wrapped a blanket that I’d just pulled from the dryer around myself and proceeded to stalk the internet.

And then I moved my arm up to reach something…and I swear to you THE BIGGEST SPIDER I’VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE was attached to the blanket.

Y’all.  If only you’d been a fly on the wall.  You would have seen MOVES you didn’t even know i could pull off.

And once I calmed down just a bit, there was the issue of taking care of said spider.

So I collected all of my cojones and approached the blanket on the floor like something might jump out and bite me.

And I started poking at it, moving it around from a distance with my foot until I could spot the spider again.

And then…there it was.

A ball of my hair.

It’s officially time for a haircut.

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  1. Hahahaha poor thing! I hate those gross hair balls that just spring from nowhere on freshly dried clothes. They make me do a double take, too! (Why is hair okay in our heads but so gross when it's detached from our scalp?)

  2. OMG! I just laughed so hard! This has happened to me before!!!! I have mistaken a large piece of black fuzz from Mike's socks for bugs many times before, I freak out like you have no idea!

  3. hahahhaha CLASSIC. And then you still have this idea that there are spiders all over everything, just because how can you not?!

  4. Hahahaha!! So funny! I'm glad for both the sakes of you and the spider, that it was only your hair. 🙂


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