About time for a little fun…

by | Oct 7, 2013 | Throwback | 5 comments

1.she let me paint her nails 2. sitting in the scalding hot black seats–they didn’t think that through when they built the stadium

3. Riding in J’s truck bed on the way home 4. Game Night

First of all, let me just ask one question.  It IS October, right?  Because Saturday’s weather (and my awesome farmer’s tan) would suggest otherwise.

This weekend my BFF and her husband so kindly came to take care of me visit.  J and I spent the morning in the hospital on Friday (I know, anyone else getting tired of that place?  Because I sure am.  My procedures went well, though.  And we’ll have more direction and answers later this week.  And hopefully a date for an operation).  When Abby got here, she and her hubby ordered pizza and we settled in on the couch and watched hours of Glee!  When J got home we put in Anchorman, and it was a blissful evening.

Saturday was game time.  Abby and I ran over to the Bookstore first thing to grab a couple of hats.  I knew the temp was going to get near 90–and our seats wouldn’t be in the shade (wah!).  We packed up some water bottles and made the very long journey over to the stadium (sarcasm doesn’t translate well in text, does it?  Okay.  We live approx 30 seconds from the stadium).

Oh.  It was breast cancer awareness, so we were all decked out in our pink.

It. Was. Hot.  Roasting hot.  I’m still not well.  And I still have a fever (anyone know what happens when you get hot when you have a fever?  You pass out.  Luckily, I didn’t–but I was close a couple times).  Since I’m a very important person (man, there really needs to be a sarcasm font), I have a pass that allows us access to the field house during the game.  That sure came in handy when we needed to refill our water bottles and soak in some air conditioning for a few.  

After the game, the boys went and picked up dinner and we girls got in our comfies.  Wine might have been poured and we settled in for a game of Phase 10.  I’d never played before and somehow miraculously won.  And then we started a second game.  And I became a toddler.  I don’t know if it was a mixture of the pain, the heat from earlier and the exhaustion…but I ended up quitting that game two rounds in because I kept getting skipped.  I was a real adult.  I was really proud.

Overall, this weekend just did my heart some good.  It’s been a long few months and sometimes you just need to shake things up and have a little fun no matter the circumstances!

linked with: weekendshenanigans, mmg 

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  1. Whewwee it was a hot football weekend here too! I think it was 86 at kickoff so definitely summer like temps for the first weekend in Oct! So glad you ha a good one!

  2. I hope you are OK and get some answers! Here's to a good week 🙂

    Thanks for linking up for MMG!

  3. Glad your friend visited and you had a fun weekend. Wine and PJs are the best! Oh, and I totally think we drove through Campbell on Sunday and I was like, "hey I know someone who lives here!" LOL

  4. I'm so glad you had your friend come to help take care of you!! I worry about you, friend!

    I LOVE Phase 10, and don't worry, I act like a child if I get skipped too much too 😉


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