Popping In Friday

by | Aug 30, 2013 | beauty, Loves, Real Life | 11 comments

1.  Revlon: Naughty.  This is the relaunch of Relvon Perplexed (if you remember I went on a like a year long hunt for perplexed).  This is one of my all-time favorite polishes.  It’s a very deep purple, but in certain lights looks like a perfect dark grey.  
2.  At the doctor’s office yesterday, I walked in the back room to get my blood drawn.  The woman standing at the desk glanced up quickly as if to acknowledge me before she finished up what she was doing.  Instead, she had a full on reaction: ::gasp:: OH MY GOSH WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?  I stood in my tracks, panicked.  Was I not supposed to be back there?  In the same breath, she apologized.  “Oh heavens, I’m just so sorry, darling.  But you look ALARMINGLY like my son’s girlfriend.”  At this point she felt the need to whip out her cell phone and show me because she couldn’t believe the resemblance.  The girlfriend was Asian.  Story of my life. Ha
3. Relating to all the doctor tweets and obviously the above story–Yes.  I am still in the middle of this nightmare.  I know the last I shared was that I have three cysts on my liver, but I’m not comfortable sharing all that’s going on here yet until I have some definitive answers.  I do, however, appreciate any prayers you might be able to send up to whatever God you pray to.
4.  I got to sneak into Raleigh yesterday morning and pick this beauty up from the airport!  In case you don’t recognize her, that’s the CLTBFF who is officially a Californian now!  She’s in town because her twin sister is having a baby girl–but I’m so glad I got to have a quick breakfast with her.  She re-centers me.  And she so convicted in her faith that it just radiates out of her and calms those in her presence.  I’ll get to catch her on her way back out of town on Monday too!  
5.  Sh*t My Dad Says by Justin Halpern.  I had a particularly bad day on Tuesday.  And I just needed something anything to keep my attention and hopefully make me laugh.  Then I remembered that the husband was gifted this book fro Christmas a few years ago.  If foul language offends you, this is not the book for you.  But if you can look past that to the absolutely hilarious things this old man says–and the tough as nails approach he takes to parenting–I highly recommend it.  I read it in one sitting, so it’s nothing too strenuous–which is exactly what I needed that night.  I got sucked in and laughed my head off.
**my blogging hiatus is still in effect, but I wanted to pop in here on Friday.  Because who doesn’t love a good quick update on a Friday?**

linked with: h54f, thenailfiles, fridaybookclub 

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  1. Love your nails – I always do though! I've heard that book is hilarious – and stuff like that just really cracks me up!

  2. We bought my fairly stoic FIL a Kindle with Sh*t My Dad says and he laughed all through it! Glad you had some bright spots amidst your ongoing… stuff. If you need more easy books, I definitely suggest Chelsea Handler – but she definitely isn't PC 🙂

  3. Joey, I am so sorry about your medical issues. I know how stressful, and all consuming that can be. I hope you have a good support system, and more funny books(movies too!). If you need anything (really, anything at all!) I'm here to talk!


  4. Ok, so lame that I'm here because we do the Nail Files and I didn't mention your mani. I LOVE the color! Is it the same as Perplex? I have that and it pulls purple/gray/duochrome ish on me. Obviously polishes always look different due to light/camera. Anyways, I love this! I may pick it up if it's enough different than Perplex! 🙂

  5. Hey girl! I'm happy you linked up this week (and I sooooooo owe you an email which I swear I'll get to tomorrow). Love that purple! And do you clean up your cuticles afterwards because they're perfect! (Note: if you don't because you're somehow unnaturally talented at painting your nails then please lie to me and say that you do cause otherwise, I'll be hella jealous. Haha!). I'm so happy that you got to hang with your friend for a bit–they can really make all the difference. Sending you lots of positive thoughts. xo

  6. 5. I think I read that book. If not, I need to! I hope you have a great weekend, Joey!

  7. LOVE your nail color.

    Still sending medical prayers your way!

    I've been wanting to read that book, I hear it's hilarious and I'm totally not offended by foul language 😉


  8. That color is gorgeous! Hope whatever is going on resolves itself as quickly as possible with as little medical intervention as possible. I've had family in and out of the doctors/specialists for various things and I know it just gets so stressful, so many many well wishes your way!

  9. I have got to read that book! Definitely putting it on my list! xo


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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