When normal seems awesome.

by | Aug 21, 2013 | Throwback | 3 comments

I’ve got a candle burning.  Laundry is tumbling around in the back room, and I have a kitten climbing all over me.  My todo list is incredibly long but the coffee brewing in the kitchen makes it all seem feasible.  

Yesterday was a rough day.  And I’ll tell you what, nothing makes waking up feeling normal seem better than spending an entire day feeling horrible.  

I went in for a CT scan yesterday.  I was bitter in the first place for even having to go in for one.  Hell, you guys.  I went in to the doctor last week hoping for a simple solution: take my gall bladder.  Wam. Bam. Thank you Ma’am.  

But no.

When they came back with the news after my ultrasound that my gall bladder was just fine, I was grabbing my bag and hopping off the table chalking the pain up to indigestion.  Whatever, no more salsa.  I can handle that.  But when the doctor stopped me telling me that instead they found three cysts on my liver, I just blinked at him.  What does that even mean?  Yeah.  I’d like to know, too.

So they needed a CT to get a better grasp on what’s going on.  I’ve had scans in the past.  We all know I’m not a healthy girl.  But I just don’t remember it being so awful.  The contrast–and just the sheer AMOUNT–they make you drink is just unfair.  And every time I thought I was done, they’d bring out more for me to swallow.  And just when I was done with that–they bring on the news that I’d also need an IV contrast (iodine, in case you’re wondering).  It was frigidly cold in the room which makes being poked with a needle feel even better.  Especially when she poked me close to ten times before finding a good vein.  And then she tells me that a warmth will rush over me it’ll kind of feel like you peed on the table.  And oh, my gosh was she right.  If she hadn’t warned me I would have been scrambling for a towel.

I have no news, guys.  And there really isn’t much of a point to this post except that this is my space–the place I can just put out there what’s floating around in my world.  And that’s what’s going on.  All of those chemicals hanging out in my body yesterday made me feel just down right bad.  And the worse I felt, the more bitter I’d get towards the entire situation.

But today I feel good.  I have a candle burning.  Laundry is tumbling around in the back room, and I have a kitten climbing all over me.

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  1. Oh no I'm so sorry. I hope they figure out everything soon and it's something really simple. Feel better!

  2. Thank goodness for her warning 🙂

    I hope everything stays normal for a nice, long time and whatever they find is no big deal. You have kittens to cuddle, after all.

  3. Oh no, Joey! I'm praying for you, friend. I know the waiting part is terrible, and I hope you get some answers soon!


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