Friday: the usual

by | Jul 19, 2013 | beauty, Loves, Real Life | 15 comments

1. Per usual, I painted my nails.  I tried a little something different this time, but I might need practice.  I stuck a pin in a pencil eraser and tried the whole polka dot thing.  I’ll do better next time.  However, I did notice just a few minutes after painting them that, hey…wait a second…they match my twitter background!  

2. Since all of the distractions weddings are over for the summer, I decided it was time to kick up the productivity.  Since I am focusing on writing my second book and working on making something happen with the first one, it’s up to me how little much work gets done each day.   I always had a “general” idea of what I wanted to accomplish each day, but sometimes I’d find that I’d spend an entire day cleaning the house and no actual “work” got done.  Enter: schedule implementation.  So far, it’s working wonderfully for me.  I feel such satisfaction when I cross something off the list.  It helps me balance the housework and my actual work.  And it also gives me a structured idea of when my workday actually ends so I can implement actual time to relax.  winwinwin
3. I mentioned in a post earlier this week that I’ve been eating an obscene amount of quesadillas.  I’m not proud to say that the number has only increased since the day I ran that post.  Myra is doing her best to run a hard stop on the quesadillas.  I made it all the way through Thursday without one.  It’s like quesadilla rehab.  Now because I can’t have one it’s all I want.  
4. I gave up on this season of The Bachelorette.  I generally don’t like The Bachelorette as much as The Bachelor for the obvious reason: there’s less drama because boys aren’t as caddy as girls.  But good Lord, Des’s season is just a snooze fest.  For the first time ever, I read the spoilers before the season ended.  I realized it was time to give the season up when they were gearing up for the week of hometown dates and I still didn’t know who the guys were.  
5. Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover.  It’s the sequel to Hopeless, and it’s one of those same story different point of view books.  We all know by now how I feel about those.  But none-the-less, I love Colleen Hoover, so I gave it a read.  I didn’t really care all that much for Hopeless, let me just put that out on the table now.  The subject matter is dark and uncomfortable, so I was completely leery of Losing Hope because it already had two strikes against it: the POV and the subject matter.  But I am so glad I gave it a chance.  I liked it so much better than Hopeless, which strikes me as odd considering it’s the same story.  Because the story is from Holder’s POV, the uncomfortable subject matter isn’t as shattering because it doesn’t appear in such detail.  I didn’t like Holder in Hopeless.  He seemed like an angry jackass who was unreliable.  Seeing his side of the story, however, I fell in love with him.  Different elements of the story that were left a mystery in Hopeless get uncovered in Losing Hope which I enjoyed.  I’d highly recommend it!

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  1. I have got to download that one I can't wait to read from his point of view. Love the nails that is adorable. Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. cute nails!

    colleen hoover sounds like a great author!

    happy friday!

  3. I am glad to hear that Losing Hope is better than Hopeless. I really didn't like that book.
    As for The Bachelorette, I'm right there with you. I still can't tell the guys apart because they are all so boring. That said, I'm going to keep watching because I think the guy with the long hair from Utah isn't really into her and she keeps talking about how she just knows he loves her… lol.
    Happy Friday!
    Mei @ Diary of a Fair Weather Diver

  4. I bought a new paper planner last week and it's just the right size to carry around. I'm with you on the organizing my time thing… 🙂

  5. Well, well, well, you liked Losing Hope better, eh? I liked Hopeless, but like you, wasn't a fan of Holder. Maybe it's worth picking up, though, since Losing Hope made you change your mind. Love your polka dots! They're so fun! Thanks for linking up! 🙂

  6. Love those nails girl! Great color combo! I use a dotting tool for my dots – I've noticed that places are starting to sell those more nowadays so they're easier to find AND cheaper than they used to be. Essence has a super cheap version!


  7. Your dots look great!! Dots are about the only nail art I am able to do haha!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Your nails are adorable! Bobby pins also work well if you don't have dotting tools (they are some really cute ones for real cheap on Ebay if you ever decide to invest in some. I had ones that came in a pack of 5 that had two ends – which means 10 different sized dots. I love them. They're worth the investment if you do nail art a lot. 🙂 )

    – Toria

  9. I love Colleen Hoover and Losing Hope is on my to-read list!! Thanks for linking up!

    PS Loving your nails!

  10. The only one I've really liked this season was Zak, and he got kicked off last week. I'm really not so sure about any of the guys left, and can't believe Des will need to pick one of them. But we'll see what happens. I've avoided spoilers so far, so hopefully I'm able to continue that. But I am curious as to the next Bachelor.

  11. As far as The Bachelorette is concerned, I gave up on the first show. For some reason, it didn't appeal to me at all this go around. I am eager to watch The Bachelor though. I think I am like you and do find it is less drama and more enjoyable to watch. I truly like Bachelor Pad a good bit though.

    Those books sound very interesting. I'm glad that you mentioned them. I am always one of those who likes to hear both sides of a story. So, this would definitely be up my alley.

  12. Polka dots are my favorite design nails to use for manicure monday! With a dotting tool they are so easy! You did a great job!!!

  13. lol love that your nails match your Twitter background 😉

  14. Have you read Beautiful Disaster & Walking Disaster? They are like Hopeless/Losing Hope too – same story, different POV.

  15. Your nails – love. Your obsession with quesadillas – NO LOVE.

    I need to get my hands on that Losing Hope book now!


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