You Are Still The Same You.

by | Mar 27, 2013 | Throwback | 4 comments

Now that I work from home, I see a lot more commercials than before.  Most of the time I’m hardly paying attention to the TV, but it’s just something to have on in the background.  But it never fails that certain commercials grab my attention.

It’s no secret that I’m in to makeup.  I would easily spend all of our money on makeup and nail polish and hair products.  I love searching for the next best product.  I love how fun makeup is and the fun different ways to express myself through it.  Hell, I make youtube videos about nothing but makeup.

Make up is not necessary.  It’s fun.  And as a young adult writer, it absolutely kills me what these commercials plug into our teens’ minds.

He might be your soul mate–but you need to whiten the crap out of your teeth to get him to talk to you.

As if to say, if you’ve got yellow teeth you’ll die sad and alone.  Totally untrue, my teeth are so yellow thanks to coffee and years of soda drinking, and I snagged a guy.

Get him to notice you with this mascara.

I mean, I get what advertisers are going for.  But I really hate the signal they’re sending.

It makes me sad whenever I hear that a woman refuses to leave the house, ever, without any makeup on.  I know that I look much better with makeup.  Well, not necessarily better–but different.  But I have no problem leaving my house without makeup.

Makeup is a tool to be used to add confidence.  At least, that’s how I think it’s supposed to be used.  Like a cute outfit.  You put together a nice outfit and you feel prepared for the day I’d know nothing about this but I do have some friends who know a thing or two about fashion.  I use makeup the same way.  You put together a nice look and you’re ready to tackle the day.  You might stand up a little straighter; seem a little more focused.  But the makeup itself does not have magical powers (some will argue this.  I know that makeup can almost completely transform how a woman looks–I’ve seen the youtube videos).

What I’m trying to get at is, you are beautiful.  You are unique and different and gorgeous.  With or without make up.  With or without that fancy outfit.  You are you, and there is no one else on this planet just like you.  And as someone who is trying has made a career out of trying to send the right message to teens, I challenge you.  Do you use makeup because it’s fun?  Or do you use makeup because you feel like you have to?

If you feel like you have to, take a break from it for a while.  Get comfortable in your own skin.  Embrace every little imperfection on your face.

My nose is too big.  My teeth are yellow.  I have tiny beady eyes that are impossible to “open up.”  My hair almost never does what I want it to.  I will always have acne.  These are all things I used to hate about myself.

And with social media, it’s easy to portray a certain image of yourself.

But y’all?  I usually look like this.  And I am quite alright with it.  And my husband loves me either way.  And my friends see both versions of this girl.  And I encourage you to take the bare face challenge.  Let your smile, if even for just one day, be your best accessory.

and crap.  now my sister will know I stole her sweatshirt.
I’m not saying there is anything wrong with liking, buying or wearing makeup.  I enjoy the crap out of makeup.  I’m just trying to say that I wish the advertisers in the world would take a beat to realize they could take a different approach without engraving it in our young women’s minds that without makeup, they are less of a person.

Stepping off my soapbox now.

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  1. LOVE this post!! You are so right – make up shouldn't be used to define you, but rather to add on to who you already are! 🙂 Love you, doll!

  2. I am TOTALLY with you! I hardly ever wear makeup on the weekends because I know my guy loves me with or without it. Heck, he probably doesn't even notice if I'm wearing it or not!

  3. Aww I LOVE this post Jo! It's so true – the media makes us feel like we need all these products to be beautiful. I rarely wear makeup, maybe twice a week and I hate doing my hair. And I know Nate loves me just the same 🙂

  4. Love and admire you so much for writing this. I agree with you wholeheartedly and am with you so much so that I will also take the bare face challenge. I'll post something later this week. Who knows– maybe we can start a trend among bloggers?!



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