The one where I divulge all kinds of info

by | Mar 20, 2013 | Throwback | 2 comments

My newest blogging friend nominated me for the Leibster Award–which, like she said–isn’t really much of an award at all but more of a game.  I’ve been nominated a few times before, but I’d like to answer the questions she’s asked!  So here goes!

Fist-eleven facts about me:
  1. I only eat meat because I know I need the protein.  The only meat I actually like eating (in any form) is steak.  I could probably be a vegetarian.
  2. My husband and I have known each other for 15 years and have been together for almost 10.
  3. I slept with a teddy bear until I got married.  Mr. Bill retired at the request of my husband.
  4. I am painfully shy.  I compensate with this by generally making a fool of myself in public by talking too much without making much sense.  Seen any of my youtube videos?  Then you know.  That’s partly why I’ve started making videos–to over come my shyness.
  5. I recently left my full-time job to pursue my writing career.
  6. I don’t wash my hair every day.
  7. I hate shopping for clothes and my wardrobe mostly consists of hand me downs for this reason.
  8. I still keep a paper journal.  I’ve journaled since I’m 10 years old–that’s a LOT of notebooks 😉
  9. I live and die for music or all kinds.  I was a band dork and the best part of HS was marching band.
  10. I don’t have any credit cards.
  11. I got asked to get in a stranger’s car when I was walking home from the bus stop when I was in the 4th grade.  I ran like hell.
Court’s questions:
1. Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds–I don’t wear much jewelry, but what I do wear are diamonds.2. Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what is it?
I wish I did.  I’m pretty boring.
3. What is your favorite magazine?
Us Weekly4. What is the last article of clothing or accessory that you purchased?
A cotton blazer from Charlotte Russe almost 6 months ago.  I do not shop for clothes.5. Are there any TV shows that you never miss? If so, what are they?
The Bachelor/ette (I blame Mia).  That’s the only one I watch live.6. What is your “guilty pleasure?”
Junk reality TV.  I am a SUCKER for it.  (The bachelor/ette, anything Kardashian, and worst of all: Married to Jonas)7. How long have you been blogging for?
This is my eleventh year keeping up some kind of web-based “journal.”  It all started with xanga.  This blog has been alive since 2009.  4 years this month.8. How often do you clean your bathroom?
Our bathroom is usually kept neat.  I deep clean it every couple weeks.  I wish I could say it was weekly–it’s not.9. What is the one beauty product that you can’t live without?
Oh gosh.  I have no problem leaving the house without makeup–but I couldn’t live without any of it.  It’s my hobby.  I love makeup way too much.  But if I had to pick ONE THING: mascara.10. What is the name of the last book you read and how did you like it?
The Silver Lining’s Playbook: I loved it.  There was so much emotion in that book.  It was so different from anything else I’ve read.  11. As always, what is your favorite part about blogging?
I love having a place that is all mine.  It started as a place for me to practice writing–and I’d like to drive it back into that direction.  And of course the friendships.  I can’t believe that some of the most important people in my life came from blogging.  

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  1. I don't have any credit cards either!

    And 4 more weeks of work and I can sit at home and write a book all day if I want to! lol

    What are you writing/who are you writing for these days?

  2. I LOVE all of your answers, and basically love the fact that you watch Married to Jonas too! (Do you know when it comes back, btw?!) That is totally one of my guilty pleasures– along with Pretty Little Liars. Sheesh, what am I, a 15 year old girl?! Haha.



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