
by | Nov 21, 2012 | Throwback | 3 comments

Firstly, thank you all so very very much for the congratulations and words of condolence/support/etc.  I’ve had a few days to chew on the information, so I’m in a much better place about all of it now.

Just saw Jess do this and though, hey, why not.  
Anything that keeps me from the long list of things I have to get done before tomorrow.
First thing you do when you wake up in the morning: check my phone, roll to kiss the sleeping husband and sleeping pup then stumble to the bathroom to pee.

First thing you reach for when you open the fridge: it’s different every time.  I guess the most consistent in the morning would be coffee creamer and butter {for my eggos}.

First things you do when you get to the gym: uhh… I don’t go to the gym.

First thing you do when you get home from work: release Bailey from her crate & let her out.

First car: still the only car I’ve ever had…the indestructable-never-going-to-die-can’t-get-rid-of-it-to-save-my-life 99 Toyota Camry.

I’m really going to miss this house :'(

First accident/traffic violation: Well.  I guess if we’re being honest.  I t-boned a car in a parking lot pulling out from behind bushes when my parents were out of town one weekend when I was 16.  There was no damage on the other car (and just a scratch on mine) so the guy told me to tell my parents I hit a pole. Sorry Mom!

First thing you wanted to be when you grew up: A hair stylist.  Fitting.
First choice beverage: Surprisingly?  Now-a-days it’s water.  Otherwise, Coke.
First choice breakfast: Pancakes and extremely crispy bacon.  
First choice dessert: chocolate cake with vanilla icing.
First song that comes to mind: Home by Phillip Phillips.  Been on a loop in my head since Mia mentioned it while I’ve been trying to cope with the idea of moving.

First major purchase: I bought a TV before I moved away to college.  It wasn’t huge, but it was the most I’d spent on a single item at the time.  I guess the second major purchase would be Mr. Husband’s wedding ring.
First job: [aside from babysitting], I worked in the kitchen at a pizza/grinder joint called Rudinos at 16.
First time you flew on a plane: my dad worked for American Airlines for forever so I flew frequently.  I don’t exactly know the very first time, but I can imagine it was for our move from CA to NC when I was a year old.
Comment with your link if you do this too.  I’d love to read all about your firsts!  
Okay.  Now it’s time to clean and start baking for tomorrow.  It’s going to just be me and the hub, but we still need all the goodies that Thanksgiving usually has!  We’ll just have leftovers for DAYS AND DAYS!

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  1. Such a perfect song for this time of year and all the changes to come. I'm there for you girl! We'll get through it together 🙂

  2. Seriously, we were meant to be friends. Pancakes, bacon and coke – all similar addictions 😉 Have a great day, sweets!

  3. I totally lied about a car accident I had to my parents too! 😉

    Love you friend. Hope y'all have a great thanksgiving!


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