
by | Oct 31, 2012 | Throwback | 4 comments

Currently I Am…
Stealing… this idea from Steph at The Beautiful Mess [just stumbled upon her blog and LOVE it.  Check it out.]
Reading… the Pretty Little Liars series.  More like devouring it, really.  I’m on book number nine and i. just. can’t. stop.  
Thinking about… My family in NY who have unbearable damage from Hurricane Sandy.  Blog posts that I’ve been working on but never finished.  Friendships and how they simply change over the years.  The car we were [thisclose] to getting on Sunday.  Cold weather.  Sleep.
Loving… the “place” Mr. Husband and I have been in lately.  We’ve simply changed just a few tiny little things in our daily lives, and I’m shocked at how just those tiny little changes have brightened everything up.  Chewy sweet tarts [per the usual].  Peppermint mocha coffee creamer.  Fall scents in my tart warmer.  How snuggly my sweet pets are.
Looking Forward to… Mr. Husband’s last football game [did you hear those choir singers!?!] on Saturday.  Spending more quality time together once the season ends.  Our first solo Thanksgiving and Christmas.  
Wondering…what the perfect Christmas gift is for Mr. Husband.  How certain things work out when others don’t.  Who will will the election [more like worrying for that one].  If I’ll ever not feel tired [I have no reason to feel tired].  How I managed to watch an entire season of Married to Jonas {or rather, why.  Don’t hate, love it.}
Eating…Eggs in a basket.  Almost every single morning.  Sometimes for dinner.  It’s just so easy, simply, filling and delicious!  
Disliking… my face breaking out.  Waking up a gazillion times in the middle of the night.  Our lawn care service.  Unreliable people.  Getting locked out for 5 hours  
[happened Saturday. No joke.]
Happy about… Pay day coming up.  A clean house.  Finding the perfect hair products.  Friends and family coming through Sandy unscathed physically [despite property damage].  {apparently I’m all over the place with this one}.
Excited about…some changes in life [nope, no babies yet] & for the blog .  Decorating and finally using my office.  Going to bed…judge not.
So what are you currently up to?  
I’d love to know.
Post your link in comments if you play along. 

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  1. Eggs in a basket is one of my favorite breakfasts!

  2. I need to learn how to make Eggs in a basket! They're always my fav to order when we go out for breakfast!

  3. I love eggs in a basket and your super stylish first picture. Pretty sure that's what I'm wearing at work today. 🙂 The joys of recovering from surgery.


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