Getting back to it.

by | Sep 20, 2012 | Throwback | 1 comment

Lately, I’ve been struggling a little bit.  I’ve been just kind of floating around without commitment and without purpose.  I kept finding myself thinking back to a previous version of myself and asking myself “what was different back then?”

When you ask my husband what drew him to me, he’ll tell you it was my kindness.  When I first heard that, I was a little surprised because I didn’t realize I came off that way (you know, ten years ago).  I saw myself as a person who always had crap (read: drama) following her.  I always had so much going on.  When I told him that, he said my kindness still always shined through.

So I got to thinking.  Back to the old little high school version of the girl behind this blog.  What was different?  I felt like I was at a cross roads: I was changing: life around me was spiraling around and I had hardly any hopes of slowing it down.  How come I didn’t come across as some crazy psycho with a short fuse and too many emotions to maintain?  {And of course I mean…exactly how I must come across these days}


I used to be an avid journal-er.
No, I mean it.
I used to journal almost every day.
Sometimes twice a day.
I used to fill notebooks with every little thought, dream, worry.
I used to write the nasty things I thought about people in there so I never actually felt that way in real life.
I used to complain in there.
I used to plan everything.  Big things little things anything.
I really got to know myself.  Every single version of myself.
I always kind of felt like I had a grip on things.
I would stop, think and process.
So I started that little habit again.
Blogging is just not the same thing.  While I love to keep things real and personal here
there are just some things that I should keep to myself.
No one wants to hear my whine and worry and complain.
And well, if you do?  Just back log my twitter account.
So if you’ve noticed I’ve been a bit quieter in almost every aspect of my life:
journaling is the answer.
The days go-go-go!  And without taking a second to stop!  Think! Get inside your own head for a moment-you can really lose yourself.

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1 Comment

  1. I love this. I wish I had this kind of commitment to journaling because it truly helps. Good luck dear!


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