Oh, so you’re just…

by | Aug 14, 2012 | Throwback | 6 comments

First things first…don’tcha just love the new design?  I owe it all to the sweet, lovely & talented Ms. Carley.  
On to business…
“Oh, so you’re just a nanny?”
Can we talk about this?  Please?  Yes.  I have a college degree.  In writing, actually.  Well, more specifically English with a concentration in Creative Writing.  I am an educated woman.  [But I never claimed to be smart.–that’s a story for another day].
Would you ever utter the phrase(s):
Oh, so you’re just a teacher?  
Oh, so you’re just a lawyer?
Oh, so you’re just a doctor? 
Get my point yet?
People are suited best for different things.  I knew at 18, thank God, that I liked writing and that I was interested in English.  I never once changed my major.  I was also not so naive to be fooled into thinking my major was actually preparing me for one specific job in particular.  I actually kind of liked at the time that it didn’t.  I felt like the world was wide open to me.
I tried the jobs, y’all.  I really, really did.  My resume is embarrassingly long ranging from Tanning Bed Manager to Account Executive for a newspaper.  None of it was for me.

It wasn’t until this past year that I really, truly made the decision that nannying is it.  For good.  It may not be the most glamorous job [says the girl who literally swam in a pool of drool today], but I don’t think everyone can do it.
No, I take that back.  Any moron can keep a baby alive.  But I don’t think people understand what exactly being a nanny entails.  And I won’t get into it right now.  But I like my job.  And I’m good at my job.  And I sufficiently add to my household income and we can pay our bills.
So tell me.
What is everyone’s big problem with
just being a nanny?
Can we please take the just out now?

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  1. omg girl i SOOOO hear ya on this! I have my degree in Elementary Education and then just received my MASTERS in Library and Information Science but because the job market is so horrible it's so difficult to find something full time at the moment so I resorted back to nannying. So many of my friends were appalled when I told them that but I've been doing it forever and I love meeting new families and raising their kids. It's seriously the best job (plus tax free) and people shouldn't judge on your occupation. It's our choice right? At least were doing something and not sitting around watching Bev. Hills Nannies and eating chocolate..oh wait I did that last night 😉 Super long post but I def support your decision! xo

  2. I don't think you're [just] a nanny. I'm a mom and that's hard enough sometimes, but you're responsible for lives that aren't your own! Kudos to you for being JUST a nanny 😉 Beverly Hills Nannies, here you come?

  3. I used to get that all the time when I was a nanny. It's so rude and annoying. I did my job well and made a {modest} salary. I paid my taxes and when most people realized how much I did throughout the day, they would often comment on how I do so much more than they do and that they could never do my job! It's tacky how people assume the worst. Oh, and I have a bachelor's degree in social science and education!

  4. I hate that phrase! You are so much more than what people label you as! Ugh! It is so frustrating to hear comments like that, and I get it a lot! People need to realize that EVERY job, EVERY occupation, EVERYTHING a person does takes effort and talent.

  5. oh oh oh oh oh OH don't EVEN get me started here. So, you're "just" a stay-at-home mom? Excuse me? Come again? Yeah bish I am, and Dr. Phil even said its the equivalant of working two full time jobs so THERE I say to all those naysayers 🙂

  6. This is really a great post. There has to be someone for EVERY job. I mean, think about all the jobs there are. There has to be someone suited for each one. I have sometimes thought "I'm just a teacher" because I always thought I would be something that made more money. But I LOVE my job and I am GREAT at it. Good post!


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