Virtual encouragement

by | Jul 11, 2012 | Throwback | 5 comments

I had a tough time just after college.  I had identified myself for so long as a student that once that title was stripped from me, I felt kind of empty.

And while I appreciate my education; it shaped me more as a person than it did for a career.  To say I was lost was a complete understatement.

I moved home into my parents’ finished attic.  I convinced myself it was like my own little apartment, which to be fair, it kind of was.  My confidence dwindled as the days passed by in odd job after odd job without a sense of belonging.  I couldn’t understand why my friends were thriving and I was simply longing for the days where notebooks and pens were my best friends.  I can’t tell you the number of jobs I had in the two years between graduation and marriage.  My resume is embarrassingly long.

I had good friends at the time, but I needed more.  I needed to know it was going to be okay.  And I found inspiration in the oddest of places.  I was into blogging even back then.  Those were the days before I knew about “followers” and before I felt like I had to censor myself.  And I happened to reconnect virtually with a girl from my major.

In those days it was so reassuring to hear her advice and see how life chugs along even in those tough moments.  It was so hard for me to see outside my world, but it calmed my heart to know that she was talking to me from the other side.  That virtual friendship was so important to me.  And I’ll never forget what it was like to feel like I wasn’t alone.

And the funny thing is–someone can have such an impact on your life and never even know it.  I was lucky enough to meet my once classmate turn virtual friend for coffee tonight.  And I was sharing with her how her understanding and encouragement got me through all those tough spots.  And she never even knew.

And even tonight, our coffee date encouraged me.  I’m shaking the fear.  I’m actually sitting at my desk for the first time in ages in the room dedicated as my office which I’ve been avoiding like the plague knowing once I put myself in there, I need to be writing.

I’m in here.  That’s the first step, right?  I guess it’s time to get down to business.  Gulp.

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  1. I think a lot of college students become that way after graduation, especially in this economy. This is very interesting, though, and inspiring. Good luck in your pursuits!

  2. What a great post! I think everyone can relate to this feeling in one way or another. I know I've definitely been there.

    I am a blogging "newbie" but I love it already, and can see how much everyone supports each other and encourages each other!

    Good luck with the writing! You can do it!

  3. Hooray for friendships and encouragement! And hooray for getting back onto the writing! 🙂 Keep up the amazing work!

  4. Virtual friends are great. Good for you for getting back into your writing. Can be scary, but you can do it!

  5. Umm wow this completely describes where I'm at right now. I graduated from college in may and cannot find a job to save my life. Vicious cycle of not enough experience and I can't get enough experience bc no one will hire me since I don't have enough experience. I completely just want to still be in college. I've been joking to my mom that we need to look into preschool classes for me for the fall. Starting all over again, pretending like I'm 4, for some reason I find even that appealing right now. Glad you shared this! good luck writing!


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