Get Me Out of Here

Get Me Out of Here

This week has been one of those that I haven’t been able to keep track of what day it is.  And unfortunately, I’ve kept thinking it’s a day later than it is.  There’s nothing worse than leaving work on a Tuesday thinking it was Wednesday all day.

I knew it would happen eventually–I’m running full speed in a million different directions, but you guys?  I am burnt out.  I’ve never been one to love travel (I much prefer Netflix in my living room–travel usually stresses me out), but I have never craved a cottage in the woods more.

Which got me thinking.  The last true vacation J and I took together was our honeymoon.  Six years ago.

Lately, every time we travel it’s for an event.  A wedding.  A funeral.  Some jam-packed-family-filled weekend that we have to squirrel vacation time away for.  Don’t get me wrong, those are fun (not the funeral, obviously).  But they are not vacations.  They all provide some level of stress and drama.  
As much as I’d love some tropical escape with all you can drink cocktails and unlimited sunshine, it just isn’t a realistic option at this point.  They’re expensive and require a lot of planning.  Finding an entire week to take off of work just seems impossible to me.
But I’ve been sitting here for way too long staring at my jam-packed calendar thinking I just need to get away.  I’d love some secluded cabin in the woods and a weekend without any obligations.  It’s tough to find the time.  It’s tough to coordinate schedules.  But I think at this point, it’s more necessary than not.
We’re within driving distance of some amazing places.  Blowing Rock, Charleston, Athens just to name a few.  I’m so tempted to hop onto AirBNB, snag some cozy little place, and take off running.
This feeling let’s me know one things: we’re doing it wrong.  One of my closest friends is always jet-setting here and taking off there.  She and her husband sit at the beginning of the year and they plan out their travel.  Turns out–that’s pretty normal.  Who knew.

I’ve learned lately that if it’s not on my calendar, it’s a pipe dream.  I schedule in catch up calls with friends and when to get my oil changed.  So why aren’t I scheduling in R&R?  
I get it now.
How do you guys handle your travel?  Do you wait until you’re burnt out and plan an emergency getaway?  Or are you more like Kim (sorry, calling you out friend :)) and plan out your vacations strategically, ensuring you always have something to look forward to?
I remember in college my best friend and I would live and die for our little trips away.  We’d plan something fun (on a built in break–I miss those) and looking forward to it would make everything else feel easier.
I think we had the right idea back then.  
All this to say, I’m tired.  And burnt out.  And I need a little break.  So if you see a little brunette sitting in the corner of the Starbucks on Park with a list of AirBNB rentals up on her computer, say hi.  Because that’s totally me right now.