Oh, snap.

Oh, snap.

Give me a moment to collect my heart from the floor and stuff it back in my chest.

Okay.  Okay.  Now that I’m composed, let me tell you a little story.  It was Monday night.  The weather here in North Carolina is a wee bit confused and we’d had close to 80 degree weather that day that then dropped to about 50 that night.  Because of that, my house was a sauna.

Since it was growing chilly outside and because I REFUSE to turn the AC on in November, I had the window open to bring the temp down just a bit in the house.

Well, it worked.  So I wrapped a blanket that I’d just pulled from the dryer around myself and proceeded to stalk the internet.

And then I moved my arm up to reach something…and I swear to you THE BIGGEST SPIDER I’VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE was attached to the blanket.

Y’all.  If only you’d been a fly on the wall.  You would have seen MOVES you didn’t even know i could pull off.

And once I calmed down just a bit, there was the issue of taking care of said spider.

So I collected all of my cojones and approached the blanket on the floor like something might jump out and bite me.

And I started poking at it, moving it around from a distance with my foot until I could spot the spider again.

And then…there it was.

A ball of my hair.

It’s officially time for a haircut.