Stuff & Things 11/5

Stuff & Things 11/5

I forgot to add my own button.
Clearly I’ve got my shit together.

>> The freak out over the red cups.  Y’all.  Y’ALL.  I’m all for getting excited over things.  I get excited over everything.  I just don’t get this one.  It’s a cup.  With the same coffee in it.  That you’re going to throw away.  Is it a “yay it’s the holiday season” thing?  Because if so then I TOTALLY get that.  But if it’s about the actual cups, then I’m lost.

>> I am in a cooking/food slump.  What are some of your favorite easy weekday meals?  I don’t do recipes with a ton of steps.  The easier the better.  Crockpot or throw crap into one dish and toss in the oven meals are the best.

>> I’ve been writing again, and it feels so good!  Sometimes, for me, writing is like swimming through mud.  But lately (gosh I hope I don’t jinx myself) it’s been coming pretty naturally.  For the first time ever in my life, I’ve been writing at night.  Before I even realize it, I’ll reach my word goal for the day!  Maybe just switching up the hour in which I write made all the difference!  Hashtag: let’s hope!

>> Don’t forget about Selfie Sunday!  The inaugural link up is this coming Sunday!  Pretty much anything goes to link up–anything that’s important TO YOU.  Anything that makes YOU YOU.

Find the button code HERE!

>> “Whatever journey you’re on, know this.  There IS light at the end of the tunnel.  Heck, there’s light in the middle of the tunnel.  Just set your feet on the path and take that first step.  You’ll be surrounded in light in no time.”  The wise Mrs. Hargrave said this in her post yesterday.  And while we’re on different paths, this brought me to tears.  It was exactly what I needed to hear when everything feels so out of sorts and unsettled.

>> The other night we were laying in bed and I was telling J that I saw Tater but didn’t get his number.  J was all “why would you need Tater’s number?”  Tater is the football equipment manager.  “Oh!  No! I meant Cornbread.”  Y’all.  I can’t make this shit up.  I did finally get Cornbread’s number, and this is the text conversation that ensued when I shared the contact with J.  (I don’t know why the exposure is all weird, but you get the point).

We make really good adults.

>> The other night, I put my glasses on and was SO DISAPPOINTED.  There was a scratch RIGHT in my line of vision in the lens.  I went to bed and forgot about it.  The next morning I woke up to an offer from a glasses company offering me a free pair of glasses in exchange for a blog post (coming soon).  This blogging thing really doesn’t suck!  Perfect timing! ha!  (For the record, I called my eye doctor and they’re actually going to replace my lenses for free–but hey!  It’s never a bad idea to have two pairs of glasses)!

Now it’s your turn!!  There are NO RULES so everyone should link up!
