Stuff & Things 10/23

Stuff & Things 10/23

>> I went out to dinner on Tuesday night with some Raleigh bloggers!!  It was so awesome to get to see all these sweet girls in person and swap stories!  They’re all gorgeous fashion bloggers (and we all know I am so not a fashion blogger) so they all look put together and I look homeless.  I’m owning it hah!

>> I spent most of the day on Wednesday tackling my house.  How does it get so out of control.  Especially the laundry.  I mean, really.  It was out of control!  I’m working on implementing some kind of schedule for my cleaning stuff.  If and when I figure that out–I’ll share it.

>> I’m so tired by the time I finally crawl into bed (which let’s face it…has been around 8:30/9PM lately) I can hardly make it through any reading before I zonk out.  I need to find more time to get in some reading time.  It’s taking an embarrassing amount of time to get through my current book.

>>I haven’t been writing.  I know.  I wish I had an excuse.  I don’t.  Instead I’ve been throwing myself into a lot of other things.  Along with the cleaning schedule, I’m working on getting a better grasp of all of my hats.  I wear a lot, in case you were wondering.

>> My cat ate my freaking planner.  Not my dog.  My cat.  I’d use this as the perfect excuse to buy myself the Emily Ley daily planner…but you know I won’t drop that number of dollar bills on a planner.  They sure are pretty though!

>> I’ve been making myself more at home on this campus.  I know it’s silly to say that now considering I’ve lived here for over 1.5 years now (gosh, has it really been that long?) but I’ve always felt a little out of place because I don’t work here and I don’t go to school here.  But you know what?  Living on campus has its perks.  And walking to the coffee shop (we just got a starbucks–a real live starbucks) and walking to grab lunch and just walking everywhere in general is definitely nice.  Especially now that J and I are sharing a car.  I’m not trapped in the house all day if I don’t want to be (and I really needed to get out of the habit of not leaving for days and days–that’s not good for anyone).

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