Stuff & Things 7/10

Stuff & Things 7/10

1. Tuesday night, I was setting the coffee pot.  I called out “Honey?  What time are we going to the gym in the morning?”  That hung in the air before we both sort of chuckled.  “When did we become that couple?” I asked.  We’ve both made some significant changes this year–and I think we’re both feeling better than we ever have!  You don’t have to do it all, but finding something manageable for yourself is all it really takes!

2. I’m heading out to South Carolina tomorrow!  One of my absolute besties is having a baby in August, and this will be our last hoorah before the baby comes!  It’s so crazy to me to think the next time she and I get to spend time together she’ll be someone’s mom!  When the baby comes, I’ll be packing up and  spending some time out there to help out.  I’m the closest thing to a sister she has, and being that to someone is…well, it’s just really special.  I can’t wait to be little Sophie’s Aunt Jo!

3. I’m getting my haircut on Tuesday for the first time in…well, way too long.  For some reason whenever I know an appt is coming up, I obsess over it!  I’ve been loving my super long hair–but I’ve sort of let it just grow into a mop.  I’m really hoping for some fun layers to actually give some shape and life back into my locks!  I’m thinking a little something like this!

also, I just love Rachel Talbott!
4. Random, but last night the hubs was having a craving for Hardee’s.  I couldn’t tell you the last time I ate at Hardees (I think it was back in HS).  I wasn’t specifically craving anything, so I tagged along.  I ordered a 1/3 cheeseburger on one of their freshly baked buns and oh, my gosh, y’all.  I can’t believe I’m sitting raving about Hardees, but I am!  The burger was so delicious, the bun was so fresh, and their fries were perfectly crispy!  Thanks to no gall bladder, I tend to feel pretty sick after any type of fatty (super greasy) meal.  I felt fine!  I don’t know what they’re doing there–but we’ll be back.
5.  I just realized it seems kind of funny that I talk about going to the gym and Hardee’s in the same post.  But that’s just it.  We’re not extremists, honestly.  We eat pretty healthily 95% of the time.  We only drink water (except our one cup of coffee/day).  We eat at home 95% of the month.  So when we splurge we spurge!

6. I finished my editor’s edits yesterday.  My sister (who has been an editor for 20 years) is going through and giving one last sweep of the manuscript.  Every time I go through it, it’s looking more and more like a real book.  Once the book is out, I’m planning on sharing my experience with the whole process.  Would you guys want to see that?  
Oh.  And it comes out next week.