Boundaries: Get your life in order & accomplish your goals + Announcement & GIVEAWAY!

Boundaries: Get your life in order & accomplish your goals + Announcement & GIVEAWAY!

We’re creeping up on the end of the month here, and let me guess; you’ve already given up on most of your goals or resolutions. Hey, it happens. But what if I told you that implementing boundaries could be the game-changing difference you need to get back on the horse? I first want to say, if you’ve already fallen off the bandwagon with your goals, that’s okay. We all mess up. None of us go from zero to change in one swift motion. Perfectionism likes to tell us we have to. But you don’t. Offer yourself grace and don’t call the year a wash just because you messed up once. Okay, stepping off my soapbox now so we can get to the point of today’s post.

How boundaries can help you get your life in order & help you accomplish your goals

As adults, it’s up to us to create the structure we need in order to be successful. When we were kids, our parents, teachers and guardians all did a great job implementing the proper boundaries (read: rules & guidelines) to protect us and to keep us on track with our goals. Now that’s our job. But we tend to struggle with the notion that setting our own boundaries is selfish, and, well, that’s just not true.



This 30-day program is designed to help you implement change. By the end of the 30 days, you will be a graceful boundary queen who is living life on her own terms!



  • feels overwhelmed, exhausted, exasperated and taken advantage of
  • tends to people-please
  • wants to protect the relationships that are most valuable to her
  • wants to be kind and giving without feeling resentful
  • wants to intentionally spend her energy
  • wants to make subtle or radical changes in her life to experience more joy daily


Instant access to 5 lessons, intended to be consumed weekly. *Each week, there are 7 topics and exercises that will guide you in discovering, establishing and implementing the necessary boundaries in your life and work that will help you:

  • protect your productivity
  • find balance
  • protect your relationships
  • live life on your own terms.

*Week 5 has 2 topics to round out the 30 days.


The time is now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not the start of the next month. NOW. You can start this self-guided program at any moment. Every 7 days, no matter when you start the program, a new lesson will unlock giving you access to brand new content. You will get lifetime access to this program. So stop waiting for the perfect time and make this moment the perfect time!



One of my main missions with what I do is to offer professional, affordable coaching to those who need it the most. That’s why I do my very best to create programs that are jam-packed with the guidance you need a price you can actually afford. Sign up to receive exclusive offers on upcoming releases!

One year later

One year later

I love that I have these blog posts. June 2016 was such a huge, pivotal month for me. I quit my job, turned 30, and launched a company. Every single thing in my life was a giant unknown. I was living on hopes and prayers, and a whole lot of faith.

That quote about wishing you would have started today? You know the one?

Yeah, that’s the one. It’s really hard in a regular moment to envision a your life a year from now. Right? I think so. Making a big change is effing scary. But I can vividly remember the moments that lead up to the big decision to try something different.

I was so painfully unhappy a year ago. I was stuck inside decisions that I didn’t feel prepared to make. When you graduate college at 21, you think you’re an adult. You think you’re capable and prepared. I was not capable. I was not prepared.

I immediately moved home. I took a job to take a job. Then I got married, moved away, and introduced impermanence into my life. And before I knew it, I woke up one morning inside a life that just didn’t feel like mine.

I wish I could tell you I felt brave and empowered a year ago. I didn’t. Instead, I felt fed up, scared, and completely unsure. The only thing I was certain of was that I couldn’t keep up the charade. If I had to live the rest of my life like that, what was the point?

I wish I could tell you I knew I’d be sitting here a year later, sipping on a cup of coffee the morning after celebrating my 31st birthday content. But there’s no way. I hoped for it. I had faith that it could happen. But I wasn’t sure. Hell no!

In all honesty, I didn’t even know what I was doing when I quit my job. And truthfully, I don’t recommend quitting your job without a plan (obviously). I had savings, a business in its infancy, and heck of a lot of faith. But I had an exit strategy, too. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to use it.

One year later, I am so so thankful I started “today.”

It’s a year later. My business is growing beyond our wildest dreams. My husband and I are starting the hunt for our permanent home. God has introduced people into my life I couldn’t live without.

I am thankful, friends. So, so very thankful. Whatever it is that you want? Go for it. It’ll be worth it. And if you fall flat on your face? (You might, a couple times. I did.) At least you’ll know.