One year later

One year later

I love that I have these blog posts. June 2016 was such a huge, pivotal month for me. I quit my job, turned 30, and launched a company. Every single thing in my life was a giant unknown. I was living on hopes and prayers, and a whole lot of faith.

That quote about wishing you would have started today? You know the one?

Yeah, that’s the one. It’s really hard in a regular moment to envision a your life a year from now. Right? I think so. Making a big change is effing scary. But I can vividly remember the moments that lead up to the big decision to try something different.

I was so painfully unhappy a year ago. I was stuck inside decisions that I didn’t feel prepared to make. When you graduate college at 21, you think you’re an adult. You think you’re capable and prepared. I was not capable. I was not prepared.

I immediately moved home. I took a job to take a job. Then I got married, moved away, and introduced impermanence into my life. And before I knew it, I woke up one morning inside a life that just didn’t feel like mine.

I wish I could tell you I felt brave and empowered a year ago. I didn’t. Instead, I felt fed up, scared, and completely unsure. The only thing I was certain of was that I couldn’t keep up the charade. If I had to live the rest of my life like that, what was the point?

I wish I could tell you I knew I’d be sitting here a year later, sipping on a cup of coffee the morning after celebrating my 31st birthday content. But there’s no way. I hoped for it. I had faith that it could happen. But I wasn’t sure. Hell no!

In all honesty, I didn’t even know what I was doing when I quit my job. And truthfully, I don’t recommend quitting your job without a plan (obviously). I had savings, a business in its infancy, and heck of a lot of faith. But I had an exit strategy, too. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to use it.

One year later, I am so so thankful I started “today.”

It’s a year later. My business is growing beyond our wildest dreams. My husband and I are starting the hunt for our permanent home. God has introduced people into my life I couldn’t live without.

I am thankful, friends. So, so very thankful. Whatever it is that you want? Go for it. It’ll be worth it. And if you fall flat on your face? (You might, a couple times. I did.) At least you’ll know.