Sometimes It Looks Different Than You Expected

Sometimes It Looks Different Than You Expected

At the start of this year, I made a very specific but overly unlikely goal.
I want to buy a new car, I said. And I want to pay for it with writing.
At the time of that statement, I was blogging regularly but otherwise not actively writing. And to be honest, my intention behind that goal was to acquire an agent, secure a publisher, snag a book deal, and buy a car.

That’s what success looked like to me at that time. That’s what writing looked like to me at that time.
So what if I told you that I bought a car in February, and as of this month, I’m paying for it with writing.
You all know I left my job at the start of June. I’d tucked away a little money, and I launched a business with a friend. The only thing unaccounted for when I left my job was my car payment. I told myself that I was resourceful and that I’d figure it out.
A few months ago, the Charlotte Agenda put a call out for writers. Every friend in the area screen-shot the posting and sent it to me. You have to do this, they said. Panic and fear bubbled into my throat. Sure, I said. I’ll apply, I lied, then promptly put it out of my mind. I can’t do that, I told myself. I’m not a real writer.
As you know, we lost my dad in January. My mom, still at the house I grew up in, lives in Raleigh. The loss was a huge part of my decision to leave my job. I craved the freedom to work remotely, especially from my mom’s kitchen table. I wanted the opportunity to spend more time in Raleigh without committing to move there.
One day after I put in my notice, I saw a tweet that the Charlotte Agenda was expanding to….you guessed it…Raleigh.
Without hesitation, I sent in an email. I figured it was a long shot anyway, so I rationalized that if I didn’t get it, no big deal.
Well. I got it.
I returned home late last night after spending a quick 48 hours in Raleigh, conducting interviews, snapping pictures, scoping out stories, and spending time with my mom. I got there and back safely in the car I pay for with writing.
Be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods.
