Look For the Good

Look For the Good

Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.

-Mr. Rogers

I tweeted out on Sunday night that if I had to pick one word to summarize the weekend, it would be disappointed.

It’s very easy to feel sad and disappointed in the world we live in today. The headlines are filled with tragedy, anger, slander and chaos. We hear the bad, very rarely the good. You remember the name of the murderer but often forget the victims.

We allow that to define our society. The bad and the negative. We’re quick to open our mouths and spew hate. We see only what we spotlight.

On Monday night, I stood in a strangers driveway hugging my friends goodbye after another day of defeat, unable to find their dog. The stranger offered her help all day long, offered her code into the private community, waded through thick woods in the 100 degree heat for no real reason. She had no loyalty to my friends. No loyalty to us. Just loyalty to the good.

As I stood there, I said out loud I really like good people. I paused then added, and I don’t really like people at all.

It’s the truth. I find I put too much expectation in people, always optimistic for the best only to be let down repeatedly. It’s my fault, people are quick to point out, for expecting too much. For expecting the good.

I’ll take that blame.
I don’t care.
I will always believe in the good.
I will always find hope.
In the midst of heartbreak, disappointment and utterly horrifying tragedy, I’m reminded of the good. 
The good rarely makes it into the media. The good rarely finds its way to reviews. The good rarely makes headlines. But it still exists. 
This morning, I got a text from my husband. Cal had been found and was returning to his home in Raleigh.

I broke down instantly, sobbing tears of relief and gratitude. This weekend, despite my disappointment, I saw the good.