Productivity Hacks: Stuff & Things

Productivity Hacks: Stuff & Things


Running a business + working full time means that I don’t have time to be lazy, uninspired, or to procrastinate.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed, but the other side of that coin is to just come to a full stop, ignoring all responsibility.  Let’s not let that happen, okay?

Your space matters.  Where do you get a majority of your work done?  Is it where you’re meant to get work done?  See, for me, I have an office, but I was doing most of my work at the kitchen bar on on the couch.  Inspiration and productivity came to a full stop whenever I was in my office.  I couldn’t figure it out since I practically lived in my office in Buies Creek.  Then it dawned on me.  My desk was facing a wall.  Talk about feeling closed in.  I did some rearranging and boom!  Productivity returns!


Cut out distractions.  I work from home the first half of every day.  It’s such a blessing but only if I actually utilize the time I have.  While I do a pretty great job not falling into the Netflix trap (Netflix is for getting ready and evenings only), my phone has become my #1 nemesis.  I have a hard time not answering phone calls when someone I love calls me.  I read every text that comes through.  I’m tempted to scroll instagram, which only opens a whole new can of worms.  So when I sit down at my desk, I turn my phone to airplane mode.  I crank out so much work just taking away the option to be distracted by my phone.  It works wonders, people!

Hold yourself accountable.  Besides being distracted by my phone, I was falling even further behind  because what would happen is I’d read every message that came through, reply mentally, then forget all about it.  I turned read receipts back on in iMessage.  While everyone hates read receipts, it encourages me to only look at a text when I have the time to reply.  It’s also eliminated my desire to run to my phone when it pings (after work-from-home-hours, of course).

Plan ahead.  I plan what my workday should look like from the night before, putting the most important tasks at the top.  Knowing exactly what I need to work on when I wake up each morning takes making any decisions out of the equation.  Eliminating that decision eliminates the desire to procrastinate.  I find that I procrastinate the most when I can’t decide what to do next.  I go a step further and schedule the time that I’ll complete each project.  iCal and the Simplified Planner come in super duper handy for this.

I think we all have it in us to be productive and successful, we just have to find the recipe that works for us!  I’m constantly experimenting, trying to find the perfect solution to every time-wasting problem.  What are some of your tips and tricks for being super productive?

Have a productive Thursday, friends!
