Book Review: The Pact by Jodi Picoult

Book Review: The Pact by Jodi Picoult

As you all know, I’ve been struggling to get back into my reading game.  I decided to dive back in a few weeks ago, but I made a mistake and started with a ridiculously long book.  Nothing kills your groove more than picking a book that takes you a few weeks to read.  Whoops.

Here’s what GoodReads has to say:

Personal Rating & Review

The book was entertaining.  It held my attention when I gave it my attention.  After reading many Jodi Picoult books, I’ve come to expect a certain formula from her, which isn’t always a bad thing.  However, this go round it left me a little confused.

If you’re familiar with her style, you know she often tells a story from multiple points of view.  I usually love this, but this time I had a hard time keeping track of who belonged to whom, and who was even speaking.  Unfortunately, one of the main characters’ names was Gus.  Being a woman with a man’s name, you’d think I’d grasp the concept better–but I had the hardest time remembering that Gus was a woman.

I had some issues with the storyline in general.  They didn’t necessarily bother me as I was reading because I’ll admit, I was sucked into the story.  But this is the kind of book that sits with you for a few days after you’ve finished reading.  And it was then that I started to pull apart some things.

Mainly, my biggest issue was the fact that these parents basically inherently trust their teenagers in this relationship mostly because they, themselves (the parents) want the relationship to exist.  I don’t think it takes a parenting genius to see the flaws in that plan.  So while the story is absolutely devastating, I had a hard time grieving with the parents.

I was also a little startled and shocked by the way these supposed friends, who had raised their children together, reacted to the news.  I felt detached from what was actually happening because I was distracted by the parents’ drama.

Overall, the book was captivating but lacked some important plotting.  I would recommend it if you’re looking for something that will just suck you in.

What have you been reading lately?