I’m a Crazy Person.

I’m a Crazy Person.

I realize that not everyone is a cat person.  But I am one.  And so is my husband.  I know it’s even rarer for a man and wife to be equally into cats, but in this house we are.  As I type this, I’m realizing how strange we sound.  Bare with me.
We find cat videos hilarious.  And we’ll generally laugh out loud at any cat humor.  Once, we were watching a video of a cat sticking his head under a running faucet repetitively, and we were laughing so hard we couldn’t catch our breath.  We immediately showed it to our friends who sat there without a single reaction through the entire video.  When it ended, they looked at each other and said “cat people.”  

We’ve had a rough lot of it in the feline department in the last year or so.  I had a tearful goodbye to my sweet kitty last summer, and then we lost George in April.  For the first time in our marriage, our house is cat-free.  As much as I love cats, I always said once George passed, we’d be done.  But I think we’re considering adopting another little kitty.
Going back and reading those posts about George and Webster make me a little hesitant because I know the kind of pain saying goodbye to a pet causes, but part of us both is ready to introduce another little kitty friend in this house.  Especially for Bailey’s sake.

 Plus cats just kind of make me laugh out loud.  
They do the weirdest things!
I guess time will tell if another little buddy will make it’s home here!
And I’m the crazy person who just wrote a whole post about cats.
I need help.