I should be embarrassed.

I should be embarrassed.

Over the weekend, I tweeted. 
I was slightly embarrassed to tweet that.
But I got a flood of responses about how other people secretly love that movie too.
So it got me thinking…
What are some things that I should be embarrassed about but do anyways?
  • I love all things High School.  Or better yet, I love all things teenager.  I don’t mean that as creepily as it sounds.  Tv shows.  Books.  Movies.  Etc.  I especially love attending HS football games with the hubs when he’s recruiting just so I can people watch!
  • I sit in the sink totally naked after I shower to apply my makeup.  Never knew it was weird until I got married.
  • I watch TV in the bathtub.
  • I’ll pick my nose if no one is looking and it needs picking.
  • I rarely shave my legs in the winter.
  • I’ll paint my nails as often as it takes in a day to get them how I want them.  I go through an embarrassing amount of nail polish remover.
revlon: naughty
[same as revlon: perplexed]
  • I go to bed most nights by 9PM.
What are some things that should embarrass you?