The kidney saga & Nail Files.

The kidney saga & Nail Files.

Me & my kidneys.  Basically?  To sum it up.  They hate me.  I don’t know what started it, but the whole saga began back in 2007.  And since then I have had too many kidney infections to count.  I don’t get the whole bladder infection turn kidney infection thing.  It’s “oh, I’m fine.  BAM! Kidney infection.”

We’ve done multiple things to try and remedy the situation.  All of which are expensive and some are painful.  I don’t know why I’m ever surprised when an infection pops up, but it almost always catches me off guard and leaves me in a puddle on the floor from the crippling pain.

I’ve gotten a lot of inquiries about this from some followers on twitter, so I thought I would address it.  I luckily have a husband who is always there for me (especially on days like yesterday when I had to be rushed to the urgent care).  I also have family and friends who always lend support.  I have faith that someday, hopefully soon, I’ll be kidney trouble free.  That day, though, isn’t today.

I have to say, though.
In that moment of shear pain an panic.
When you’re crumpled on the floor in the fetal position just hopping the pain will stop.
There may not be much more comforting than hearing your husband,
whom you tried to convince you were fine on your own,
call into work and explain that he wasn’t coming in because he’s going take care of his wife.
Love, guys.  That’s love.
You never realize how unimportant all that busy-ness is
until something trumps it.

Oh, and then we’re sitting in the living room after everything.
And out of nowhere our doorbell rings.
And standing on our front stoop is my mom.
She apparently got in the car when I texted to let her know we were going to Urgent Care.

I am well taken care of, that’s for sure.

On to more fun stuff…

OPI: the color to watch
Tips: OPI: teenage dream